Decapoda - Caridea - Palaemonidae - Palaemon

Palaemon debilis Dana, 1852

World Distribution
Li & Bruce (2006) - Type locality: Hilo, Hawaii. Common species throughout most of the Indo-West Pacific region from the Gulf of Suez to French Polynesia (Tuamotu Islands).
Keith et al. (2006 : 66) - Indo-ouest Pacifique. Mer Rouge, Comores (Mayotte), Rodrigues, Hawaii, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Polynésie française. Comprend Europa.

Environnement : Brackish - Substrat/Association : Soft bottom (mud or sand)

Vertical range : Intertidal - Min-Max observed: 0-16 m

Mayotte data
Palaemon debilis - Keith et al., 2006 : 36 (Comores : Mayotte). - Mayotte, Mission KUW novembre 2009, mangrove de Malamani, coll. J.-M. Bouchard (st. 3, du 16/04/2008), 1 femelle ov. Lc 5,5 mm, MNHN Na16056 ; st. 13, mangrove de Malamani, 1 femelle ov. Lc 5,0 mm, pas de photo, MNHN Na16052, det. X. Li.

Europa data
Palaemon debilis - Li & Bruce, 2006 : 620 (Europa, lagon, coll. P. Fourmanoir, lagoon, coll. P. Fourmanoir, 4 mâles, 13 femelles dont 5 ovigères, MNHN-Na 8460). - BIORECIE, St. 15B, photo in situ, P. Durville, dans des algues.

New Caledonia data
Nouvelle Caledonie, STATION — Li X. & Bruce A.J., Journal of Natural History 40, 11,12: 611-738
Nouvelle Caledonie, STATION — Bruce AJ, Musorstom 15, 168: 197-267
Lagon 2 Nouvelle Caledonie, DW109 — Bruce AJ, Musorstom 15, 168: 197-267

Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
WALLIS & FUTUNA - Palaemon debilis - Mary et al., 2006: 33 (Wallis). - Poupin & Juncker, in preparation (Wallis). - FRENCH POLYNESIA - Leander debilis - NOBILI, 1907: 363 (Hao, "Rikitea" = Mangareva). - Periclimenes Leander debilis - SEURAT, 1934: 60 (Hao, "Rikitea" = Mangareva). - Palaemon debilis - HOLTHUIS, 1953a: 54 (Raroia). - MORRISON, 1954: 5 (Raroia). - MARQUET, 1988: 90, fig. 48, tab. 23; 1991: 136, tab. 1 & 2; 1993: tab. 1 & 3 (Mangareva, Rangiroa, Tubuai; "estuaries and shallow stagnant waters"). - CHACE & BRUCE: 1993: 40 (Syn. & key). - KEITH & VIGNEUX, 1997: 22, tab. 2 (Same Islands than MARQUET). - POUPIN, 1998: 12 (Checklist). - Keith & Vigneux, 2002: 127, tab. 1, photos 11-12 (Australs, Gambier, Tuamotu). - Keith et al., 2002: 48, photograph (Atlas: Austral, Gambier, Tuamotu). - Li, 2008: 205 (Polynesia. Coll. Y. Plessis, no. 79063, no detailed collection data, 252 spms, 46 ovig. FF MNHN-Na 15433). - Salvat & Bacchet, 2011: 232, photo, field guide 'Au Vent des Iles Ed. Tahiti - French Polynesia, most often Society (Moorea, Tahiti).

References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)

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