Decapoda - Caridea - Palaemonidae - Zenopontonia

Zenopontonia rex (Kemp, 1922)

World Distribution
Li & Bruce (2006 : 694) - Indo-ouest Pacifique. Egypte, Israël, Jordanie, Afrique orientale, Kenya, Zanzibar, Mozambique, Madagascar, Comores, Seychelles, Indonésie, Japon, Australie, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Japon, Carolines, Hawaii. Comprend Mayotte. 3-55 m to 70-90 m
(Landschoff et al. 2022, WIOMS - South Africa from in situ photograph)

Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Associated with echinoderms

Vertical range : Shallow-waters (0-100 m) - Min-Max observed: 3-80 m

Mayotte data
Periclimenes imperator - Bruce, 1971 : 10 (Coll. Anton Bruun, Moroni, Grande Comore, 27 décembre 1964, 1 femelle). - Bruce, 1978 : 230 (Comores dans la distribution). - Anker & Michonneau, 2008, st. MAY08-St6, Passe en S, UF 13624. - Mission KUW novembre 2009, st. 12, récif La Prévoyante de nuit, 6-12 m, 1 male Lc 1,5 mm, 1 femelle Lc 2,2, Lt env. 12 mm (photo), photographie in situ sur une grosse holothurie (sans doute Thelenota anax H.L. Clark, 1921) et au labo, MNHN Na17062. - Photo Yvon Gildas - Mayotte sur le site : - Expedition Glorieuses December 2012 (new record) - from BIOTAS 2009 photos, sp. MEPA1040.
Zenopontonia rex - - Poupin et al., 2022, Naturae, MNHN, : 143. - Mayotte, outer slope, 70-90 m Pass Bateaux, 70-90 m, Gabriel Barathieu.

Zenopontonia rex - Poupin, 2022 - Determination of mesophotic Crustacea (70-90 m) around Mayotte collected during MESOMAY3 (11/12-2021), sample 37c, 120 m, at
KWD - Mesophotic, Det OK, Deepest record, Associated echinoderm

Europa data
Periclimenes imperator - Europa, BIOTAS collections, specimens MEPA-00209, 00210, 00211, st. EURO-11, det. J. Poupin d'après photos. Premier signalement.

Réunion data
Periclimenes imperator - Ribes-Beaudemoulin et al. 2002 : 72 (Réunion). - Mission Poupin, avril 2008 (D'après photographies L. Bêche, E. Lancelot)

New Caledonia data
Lagon 8 Nouvelle Caledonie, DW535 — Li X. & Bruce A.J., Journal of Natural History 40, 11,12: 611-738
Exp. Montrouzier Nouvelle Caledonie, STATION — Li X. & Bruce A.J., Journal of Natural History 40, 11,12: 611-738
Nouvelle Caledonie, PLG — Bruce AJ, Musorstom 15, 168: 197-267
Nouvelle Caledonie, STATION — Bruce AJ, Etudes & Theses 1: 221-279
Lagon 5 Nouvelle Caledonie, DW252 — Bruce AJ, Etudes & Theses 1: 221-279
Lagon 12 Nouvelle Caledonie, DW1060 — Bruce AJ, Etudes & Theses 1: 221-279
Lagon 4 Nouvelle Caledonie, DW224 — Bruce AJ, Etudes & Theses 1: 221-279

Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
Periclimenes imperator - - Field observation, 2006, photograph by P. Bacchet (first record), det. Bacchet/Poupin, Tahiti, outer slope at night, 22 m. - Salvat & Bacchet, 2011: 233, photo, field guide 'Au Vent des Iles Ed. Tahiti - French Polynesia, most often Society (Moorea, Tahiti).

Comment(s) on data
Zenopontonia rex (Kemp, 1922) is the new valid name for Periclimenes imperator Bruce, 1967. See WoRMS (2017) and Marin, I.N. (2012). New records and associations of pontoniine shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae: Pontoniinae) from the Nhatrang Bay, Vietnam; with taxonomic remarks on some species from the Indo-West Pacific region. In: Britayev, T.A., Pavlov, D.S. (Eds.), Benthic fauna of the Bay of Nhatrang, Southern Vietnam. Vol. 2. KMK-Press, Moscow, pp. 339–397

References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)

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