Decapoda - Caridea - Palaemonidae - Zenopontonia
Zenopontonia soror (Nobili, 1904) |
World Distribution
Li & Bruce (2006) - Type locality: Djibouti. Also known from the Red Sea, Kenya, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Madagascar, Comoro Islands, Seychelles, Chagos Islands, Malaysia (Sabah), China (Hong Kong), Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales), Marianas Islands, Caroline Islands, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Loyalty Islands, Marshall Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia (Society Islands, Tuamotu Islands), and Hawaii. Also known from the East Pacific region, the Gulf of California, Mexico, Panama, and Columbia.
Sasaki (2019, compilation), Great Astrolabe Reef, Fiji, 40 m. To 80 m.
(Landschoff et al. 2022, WIOMS - South Africa from in situ photograph)
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Associated with echinoderms
Vertical range : Shallow-waters (0-100 m) - Min-Max observed: 1-80 m
Mayotte data
Periclimenes soror - Bruce, 1971 : 8 (Coll. Anton Bruun, Pamanzi, Zaoudzi, Mayotte, 25 novembre 1964, 1 femelle). - Bruce, 1978 : 222 (Comores dans la distribution). - Mission KUW novembre 2009, st. 3, récif frangeant de Trévani de nuit, 6-8 m, photographie in situ, 1 femelle ov. Lc 2,2 mm, MNHN Na17061 ; st. 5, herbier du Grand Récif Nord-Est, 1 m, 3 femelles ov. Lc 1,6 à 2,0 mm, MNHN Na16046, 1 femelle ov. Lc 1,5 mm, MNHN Na17564, dét. X. Li. - Photo Matthias Deuss - Mayotte, récif Handréma, 28/08/09, 2m. Sur étoile de mer Culcita sp. - Expedition Juan de Nova December 2013, st. 31, outer-reef, dive 13/12/2013 on Culcita, st18 (1 sp., on Culcita) (nr) (MNHN).
Zenopontonia soror - - Poupin et al., 2022, Naturae, MNHN, : 143. - Mayotte, Passe Bouéni, surplomb, 21/05/2019, 80 m, on sea star Astrosarkus idipi (det. F. Ducarme), photo O. Konieczny, det. J. Poupin.
Kwd : Mesophotic, Det OK, Deepest record, Associated echinoderm
Réunion data
Periclimenes soror - Ribes-Beaudemoulin et al. 2002 : 86 (Réunion). - Mission Poupin, avril 2008 (D'après photographie d'E. Lancelot).
New Caledonia data
Lifou 2000 Nouvelle Caledonie, 1429 — Li X. & Bruce A.J., Journal of Natural History 40, 11,12: 611-738
Exp. Montrouzier Nouvelle Caledonie, STATION — Li X. & Bruce A.J., Journal of Natural History 40, 11,12: 611-738
Nouvelle Caledonie, STATION — Bruce AJ, Bull MNHN 2, 49: 1148-1171
Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
Periclimenes soror - Bruce, 1978: 299, fig. 1-6 (Moruroa, Tahiti); 1982: 200 (Asteroids hosts: genera Choriaster, Culcita, Pentaceraster, Protoreaster, Acanthaster, Mithrodia, Echinaster). - Chace & Bruce, 1993: 95, 122 (Syn.; key). - Fransen, 1994: 129, pl. 3f (Photograph). - Poupin, 1998: 17 (Checklist; coll. Frv Marara, det. A.J. Bruce, Moruroa; on a sea star, probably Culcita novaeguineae). - Field observation, 2006, photograph by P. Bacchet, det. Bacchet/Fransen, Tahiti, outer slope, 12 m, on echinoderm. Li, 2008: 242 (Tuamotu Is. Mururoa, 2-3 m, coll. J. Poupin, X.1995, 1 M, 2 ovig. FF, MNHN-Na 14925).- Moorea Biocode project. - AAMP, Marquesas, 2012, Leg 3, St. MQ13-5, Tahuata, 27-35 m, coll. Starmer et al., on sea star Culcita, sample LC126, St. MQ19-R, Hiva Oa, 10-25 m, coll. Starmer et al., sample LC267, on seastar Culcita. - Salvat & Bacchet, 2011: 233, photo, field guide 'Au Vent des Iles Ed. Tahiti - French Polynesia, most often Society (Moorea, Tahiti).
Comment(s) on data
Zenopontonia soror (Nobili, 1904), new comb. See WoRMS (2017) and Marin, I.N. (2012). New records and associations of pontoniine shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae: Pontoniinae) from the Nhatrang Bay, Vietnam; with taxonomic remarks on some species from the Indo-West Pacific region. In: Britayev, T.A., Pavlov, D.S. (Eds.), Benthic fauna of the Bay of Nhatrang, Southern Vietnam. Vol. 2. KMK-Press, Moscow, pp. 339–397.
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)
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