Decapoda - Anomura - Porcellanidae - Petrolisthes
Petrolisthes rufescens (Heller, 1861) |
World Distribution
MASDEA/AfReMas (BD Internet) - Océan Indien occidental seulement. Mer Rouge, Golfe d'Aden, Afrique orientale, Kenya, Mozambique, Somalie, Tanzanie, Zanzibar, Comores (Mayotte), Madagascar, Maurice.
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Hard bottom (rock and rubbles)
Vertical range : Intertidal - Min-Max observed: 0-5 m
Mayotte data
Petrolisthes rufescens - Haig, 1965 : 41 (Mayotte, Bandéli, coll. A. Crosnier, zone intertidale, 1 femelle 5,2 mm, MNHN). - Mayotte, Mission KUW novembre 2009, st. 2, Littoral de Trevani à la Mangrove de Kangani, intertidal, 2 mâles 6,31x6,31 et 8,80x9,07 mm, 1 femelle ovigère 8,63x8,98 mm, MNHN-Ga7446 ; st. 6, Déversoir Badamiers, Petite Terre, 0-1 m, 2 males 6,46x6,34 et 7,39x7,39 mm, 3 femelles ovigères 6,74x6,79 à 7,14x7,33 mm, 1 femelle 6,57x6,73, photo de la plus grosse femelle ovigère (photo 'porcellana-noir-7-6x8-5'), MNHN-Ga7447 (MNHN-IU-2009-1366) ; st. 10, 4 mâles et 1 femelle ov., MNHN-Ga7448 ; st. 26, 4 males 3,66x3,49 à 6,38x6,27 mm, 2 femelle ovigère 3,94x3,88 et 5,64x5,83 mm, MNHN-Ga7449.
Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
Porcellana rufescens - Heller, 1865: 76 (Tahiti). - Poupin, 1996a: 21, 22, 77 (Checklist). - Not Petrolisthes rufescens - Nobili, 1907: 377 (cf. Remark). - Poupin, 1994a: 25, fig. 21, pl. 2h = P. borradailei Kropp, 1983 fide Kropp personal communication. - Remark: Petrolisthes rufescens and P. borradailei are two very close species. The main difference concerned the posterior border of the cheliped carpus, strongly toothed in P. borradailei, more smooth in P. rufescens. We have confused these two species in a previous work (Poupin, 1994a) and re-examination of Nobili's material in Paris (female ov. 8x7.3, MNHN Ga96) shows that it also belongs to P. borradailei. Heller's reference remains the only record of P. rufescens in the pacific; it could also belongs to P. borradailei ?
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)
This species in Worms Database