Decapoda - Polychelida - Polychelidae - Polycheles
Polycheles typhlops Heller, 1862 |
World Distribution
Felder et al. (2009) - 77-2195 m. Worldwide, except polar regions? Galil (2000) - Worldwide: Mediterranean, Irish Sea, Alboran Sea, West Africa, Cape Verde Is, Rio Grande Ridge, Bermuda, United States, West Indies, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, New Caledonia, Australia, Japan, East China Sea,Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Indian Ocean, Maldive Is, Comoro Is, Madagascar, South Africa, East Africa , Gulf of Aden; 77 m (present work) - 2055 m (ADENSAMER, 1898).
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Soft bottom (mud or sand)
Vertical range : Shallow to deep-waters (e.g. 10-190 m) - Min-Max observed: 77-2195 m
Mayotte data
Polycheles typhlops - Galil, 2000: 357, Mayotte, BENTHEDI: stn 61F, W de la grande passe de l'Ouest, 510-474 m, 29.03.1977 (MNHN-Pa 1708). — Stn 114 F, 12°22.3'S, 46°28.2'E, 300-600 m, 11.04.1977 (MNHN-Pa 1710).
New Caledonia data
Bathus 2 Nouvelle Caledonie, CP771 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Bathus 2 Nouvelle Caledonie, CP765 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Bathus 2 Nouvelle Caledonie, CP764 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Bathus 2 Nouvelle Caledonie, CP760 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Bathus 1 Nouvelle Caledonie, CP671 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Lesser Antilles data
Distribution: eastern and western Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, Indo-West Pacific. Lesser Antilles, ICA (Nevis, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St Lucia, St Vincent, Barbados, Grenada), IOV (Testigos, Curaçao). 77-2195 m. Pantropical.
Pentacheles agassizii A. Milne-Edwards, 1880a: 65, Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent (Grenadines), Barbados, Grenada [R/V Blake, 118-1058 brasses; synonymy from ITIS, Galil (2000)].
Polycheles typhlops - Bouvier, 1925: 433, Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent (Grenadines), Grenada, Barbados [R/V Blake]. - Galil, 2000: 356, Barbados [R/V Blake, st. 246, 277 m, 1878-79: 1 female 26.2 mm; 1 juv. (MNHN-Pa 32)], Grenada, Testigos, Curaçao [R/V Oregon - between Grenada, Testigos - st. 2774, 11°32'N, 62°40'W, 351-382 m, 19/04/1960 together with P. perarmatus; st. 2776, 11°36'N, 62°42'W, 423 m, 19/04/1960; st. 2780, 11°36'N, 62°52'W, 387-414 m, 20/04/1960 - between Curaçao and Venezuela - st. 4407, 11°59'N, 69°30'W, 414 m, 27/09/1963; st. 4411, 11°55'N, 69°27'W, 468 m, 3/10/1963; st. 4417, 11°46'N, 69°15'W, 432 m, 4/10/1963; st. 4419, 11°43'N, 69°13'W, 450 m, 4/10/1963; st. 4421, 11°49'N, 69°24'W, 360 m, 4/10/1963; st. 4424, 11°50'N, 69°23'W, 369 m, 5/10/1963; st. 4425, 11°46'N, 69°17'W, 432 m, 5/10/1963], Dominica [R/V Pillsbury, st. 929, 15°29.5'N, 61°11.5'W, 503 m, 15/07/1969}.
Polycheles typhlops - Paulmier, 1996: 22, Guadeloupe, Martinique. - Guadeloupe (first record), Karubenthos II 2015, field det. J. Poupin, st. CP4512, 8 June 2015, 16°12.57'N, 61°53.54'W, 532-409 m, MNHN-IU-2013-18779, st. CP4513, 8 June 2015, 16°12.58'N, 61°53.14'W, 644-406 m, MNHN-IU-2013-18774, st. CP4524, 10 June 2015, 16°30.17'N, 61°42.4'W, 550-500 m, MNHN-IU-2013-18792.
French Guiana and surroundings areas: Guiana, Suriname, Brazil (Amapà)
Polycheles typhlops – Takeda, 1983: 74, Suriname, French Guiana [310–470 m; general range 100–2050 m]. — Guéguen, 2000: 692, tab. 1, French Guiana [Continental shelf, 342-479 m]. — Silva et al., 2013: 1091, fig. 2, Brazil Amapá/Pará [bottom trawl, between 1°03’ N–4°09’ N, 41–626 m]. — Cruz et al., 2021, fig. 2, Brazil Amapá.
Distribution/Habitat – Worldwide; Marine; 77–2195 m.
Other data
Musorstom 10 Fidji, CC1337 — Ahyong S & Galil B.S., Zoosystema 28, 3: 713-746
Musorstom 10 Fidji, CP1335 — Ahyong S & Galil B.S., Zoosystema 28, 3: 713-746
Musorstom 10 Fidji, CP1332 — Ahyong S & Galil B.S., Zoosystema 28, 3: 713-746
Musorstom 10 Fidji, CP1369 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Musorstom 10 Fidji, CP1368 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Musorstom 10 Fidji, CP1332 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Musorstom 10 Fidji, CP1331 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Musorstom 10 Fidji, CP1316 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Musorstom 10 Fidji, CP1369 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Musorstom 10 Fidji, CP1368 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Musorstom 10 Fidji, CP1332 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Musorstom 10 Fidji, CP1316 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Musorstom 10 Fidji, CP1331 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Albatross Indonesie, D5625 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Karubar Indonesie, CC40 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Karubar Indonesie, CP35 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Karubar Indonesie, CP12 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Indonesie, STATION — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Albatross Indonesie, D5626 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Albatross Indonesie, D5622 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Mortensens exp Indonesie, 11 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Albatross Indonesie, D5624 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Musorstom 3 Philippines, CP127 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Albatross Philippines, D5111 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Albatross Philippines, D5122 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Albatross Philippines, D5221 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Musorstom 3 Philippines, CP105 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Albatross Philippines, D5123 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Albatross Philippines, D5124 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Musorstom 1 Philippines, CP50 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Albatross Philippines, D5409 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Albatross Philippines, D5404 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Albatross Philippines, D5374 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Albatross Philippines, D5364 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Albatross Philippines, D5222 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Musorstom 3 Philippines, CP118 — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Salomon 1 Salomon, CP1859 — Ahyong S & Galil B.S., Zoosystema 28, 3: 713-746
Taiwan 2001 Taiwan, CD137 — Ahyong ST & Chan TY, The Raffes Bulletin of Zoology 52, 1: 171-182
Taiwan, STATION — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Taiwan, STATION — Galil BS, Musorstom 21, 184: 285-387
Bordau 2 Tonga, CP1556 — Ahyong S & Galil B.S., Zoosystema 28, 3: 713-746
Bordau 2 Tonga, DW1637 — Ahyong S & Galil B.S., Zoosystema 28, 3: 713-746
Bordau 2 Tonga, CP1642 — Ahyong S & Galil B.S., Zoosystema 28, 3: 713-746
Bordau 2 Tonga, CP1644 — Ahyong S & Galil B.S., Zoosystema 28, 3: 713-746
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)This species in Worms Database