Decapoda - Brachyura - Varunidae - Ptychognathus

Ptychognathus crassimanus Finnegan, 1931

World Distribution
French Polynesia, Marquesas only (Mazancourt et al. 2024, Zoosystema).

Environnement : Freshwater - Substrat/Association : Soft bottom (mud or sand)

Vertical range : Land & Freshwater - Min-Max observed: 0-0 m

Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
FRENCH POLYNESIA - Ptychognathus crassimanus Finnegan, 1931: 649 (Marquesas). - Poupin, 1996a: 69, 77, 78 (Checklist). - Remark: It seems that this species was never recorded after its description. In particular, it does not appear in the works by Marquet (1988, 1991, 1993), who has only collected Ptychognathus easteranus (det. Holhtuis), in the Marquesas rivers.
Ptychognathus crassimanus - Ng, 2006: 357 (new genus in thesis, not valid), 1 male (9.8mm x 8.5mm), 1 female (ovigerous) (9.0mm x 8.5mm) river, Ua Pon (sic = Ua Pou) base Hakabou, no collection date.

Ptychognathus crassimanus.—Poupin 1996: 69; 2005: 28 [lists].
Ptychognathus easteranus.—Poupin 1996: 66 (in part, Marquesas only).—Poupin & Corbari 2012: 8 [Marquesas].—Salvat et al. 2016: 244 [Marquesas].—All not P. easteranus Rathbun, 1907 but P. crassimanus Finnegan, 1931.

Ptychognathus crassimanus — Mazancourt, Mazel, Marquet, Poupin & Keith, 2024 (Zoosystema): 272, FRENCH POLYNESIA. Marquesas Islands. Fatu Hiva: MNHN-IU-2011-9062 (DNA voucher: CA2646), 1 female, 14.0 mm × 11.8 mm, Baie des Vierges, Stn MQ16-M, 10°27.84'S, 138°39.97'W, Expedition PAKAIHI I TE MOANA, coll. MNHN-AAMP, 17–18 January 2012; MNHN-IU-2022-4082 (DNA voucher: CA2647), 1 female ovig., 13.7 mm × 12.4 mm, same collection data as previous. Hiva Oa: MNHN-IU-2022-4083 (DNA voucher: CA2668), 1 male, 13.0 mm × 12.5 mm, Ta'aoa River, coll. E. Feunteun, P. Keith, E. Vigneux, 13 February 2000; MNHNIU-2022-4084 (DNA voucher: CA2669), 1 male, 14.0 mm × 13.2 mm, Ta'aoa River, , coll. E. Feunteun, P. Keith, E. Vigneux, 13 February 2000; MNHN-IU-2019-180 (DNA voucher: CA2465), 1 male, 9.4 mm × 8.4 mm, Ta'aoa River, 9°50.101'S, 139°03.725'W, coll. E. Feunteun, P. Gerbeaux, G. Marquet, P. Tiberghien, 9 October 2017; MNHN-IU-2019-183 (DNA voucher: CA2464), 1 male, 18.2 mm × 15.4 mm, Faakuaa River, 09°46.097'S, 139°01.768'W, coll. E. Feunteun, P. Gerbeaux, G. Marquet, P. Tiberghien, 10 October 2017. Ua Pou: MNHN-IU-2019-182 (DNA voucher: CA2466), 1 male, 16.2 mm × 13.8 mm, Hakahetau River, 09°21.600'S, 140°06.313'W, coll. E. Feunteun, P. Gerbeaux, G. Marquet, P. Tiberghien, 16 October 2017; MNHN-IU-2022-4085 (DNA voucher: CA2665), 1 male, 9.6 mm × 8.4 mm, Hakahau Bay, coll. J. Poupin, 12 February 1996; MNHN-IU-2022-4086 (DNA voucher: CA2666), 1 female ovig., 9.2 mm × 8.5 mm, Hakahau Bay, coll. J. Poupin, 12 February 1996.

References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)

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