Decapoda - Brachyura - Varunidae - Ptychognathus
Ptychognathus johannae Rathbun, 1914 |
World Distribution
Rathbun (1914) Guinot (1967), Comores. Un signalement au Japon est erroné (cf. Osawa & Ng, 2006).
Environnement : Freshwater - Substrat/Association : Soft bottom (mud or sand)
Vertical range : Land & Freshwater - Min-Max observed: 0-5 m
Mayotte data
Ptychognathus johannae Rathbun, 1914: 354, pl. 30, ‘Johanna Island’ an alternate name used for Anjouan Island in the past, coll. Hildebrandt; in USNM received in exchange from the Berlin Museum; 1 M, type Cat. N° 22799 USNM, formerly N° 4598, Berlin Museum). - Ptychognathus johannae - Guinot, 1967: 286, list with Comoros). - Bouchard et al., 2013: 31, fig. 25C-D, same as Rathbun (1914), photo of the type with comment on taxonomy — WIO, known with certainty only from Comoros (Anjouan), one record from Japan being an error for Ptychognathus hachijyoensis Sakai, 1955 (see Osawa & Ng, 2006); land, fresh/brackish water.
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)This species in Worms Database