Decapoda - Brachyura - Varunidae - Thalassograpsus
Thalassograpsus harpax (Hilgendorf, 1892) |
World Distribution
(Davie, 2002: 229) - IWP, Red Sea, Cocos Is., Japan, Samoa. Plus Wallis & Futuna, French Polynesia.
Davie (2002: 229), Vannini & Valmori (1981), MASDEA/AfReMas (Internet), Sakai - Indo-ouest Pacifique. Mer Rouge, Golfe d'Aden, Afrique orientale, Somalie, Tanzanie, I. Cocos, Malaisie, Taiwan, Japon, Samoa, Polynésie française. Comprend Mayotte, premier signalement, Wallis & Futuna (Poupin, Internet).
Naderloo (2011: 36) - Indo-West Pacific: Gulf of Aden, Oman (Dhofar), Persian Gulf, Cocos-Keeling Island, China, Taiwan, Philippines, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Samoa
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Hard bottom (rock and rubbles)
Vertical range : Intertidal - Min-Max observed: 0-5 m
Mayotte data
Thalassograpsus harpax (Hilgendorf, 1892)
Material examined — See Bouchard et al., 2013: 32, fig. 26 - Mayotte KUW 2009, st. 2, intertidal from Trévani to Kangani mangrove, 1 M 6.1 x 7.1 mm, 1 femelle ovigère 6,4 x 7,5 mm, MNHN B32261, MNHN-IU-2009-1079; st. 6, 'Déversoir Badamiers', Petite Terre, intertidal, 1 F 5.2 x 6.0 mm, MNHN-IU-2009-2666, det. September 2011; st. 31, Brandélé 'Plage musicale', 5 F ov. 5.0 x 5.4 to 6.6 x 7.6 mm, 1 F 6.0 x 6.9 mm, MNHN B32260, MNHN-IU-2009-1078.
Other records — Poupin, 2016: Juan de Nova, Expedition Juan de Nova December 2013, st4 (nr), mid-littoral, under flat stones, rising tide, color pattern very variable (black, red, white, marble grey), 1 sp. 7.2x7.8 mm (photos several spp.), intertidal; 9 males, 3 females, 8 ov. females, st. 6; 2 males, 3 females (color photos), st. 6. (MNHN). - Guinot et al., 2018 (Zoosystema): 553, same specimens, 2 males 8.1 × 9.3 mm, 5.3 × 5.7 mm, Scattered Islands, Juan de Nova, BIORECIE 3, 2013, stn 6, J. Poupin det., MNHN-IU-2013-16120
Geographic and depth ranges — IWP, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Persian Gulf, Mayotte (this work), Tanzania to Japan, French Polynesia; supratidal.
Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
WALLIS & FUTUNA - Thalassograpsus harpax - Poupin & Juncker, in prep (Alofi, Futuna) - FRENCH POLYNESIA - Thalassograpsus harpax - Guinot, 1985: 453 (List only; origin not found). - Poupin, 1996a: 69, 77 (Checklist).
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)This species in Worms Database