Decapoda - Brachyura - Calappidae - Calappa
Calappa gallus (Herbst, 1803) |
World Distribution
Galil (2001 : 500) - Indo-ouest Pacifique. Mer Rouge et Afrique orientale, au Japon, Hawaii, Tonga, Polynésie française. Intertidal à 160 m (Galil 1997: 296, fig. 31). Comprend, Mozambique, Afrique du Sud, Seychelles, Glorieuses, Madagascar, Réunion, Maurice. 216 m, in Castro (2011, Zootaxa).
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Hard bottom (rock and rubbles)
Vertical range : Shallow to deep-waters (e.g. 10-190 m) - Min-Max observed: 1-216 m
Mayotte data
Calappa gallus (Herbst, 1803)
Material examined — Mayotte KUW 2009, st. 23, Choizil pass "Patate à Teddy", 15-30 m, only remains of carapace, field det. J. Poupin, not kept in MNHN collection.
Other records — Calappa gallus - Galil, 1997: 293, Glorieuses, intertidal, 30.01.1971, coll. A. Crosnier, 1 F 24.6 mm, MNHN. - Poupin, 2016 : 50, Juan de Nova, Expedition Juan de Nova December 2013, reef-sand, st. 9 (nr), remains of carapace, 1 sp. 17.4 x 21.0 mm (photo) MNHN-IU-2013-16084.
Distribution — IWP, Red sea, Mayotte (this work) South Africa to Hawaii, French Polynesia; intertidal to 216 m.
Europa data
Calappa gallus - Fourmanoir, 1952 : 176 (Europa). - Guinot, 1967 : 245 (Liste, avec Europa).
Réunion data
Calappa gallus - A. Milne-Edwards, 1862, annexe F : 10 (Réunion, coll. Maillard). - Hoffman, 1874 : 26 (Réunion).
New Caledonia data
Nouvelle Caledonie, STATION — Galil BS, Musorstom 18, 176: 271-335
Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
Callapa aff. gallus - Poupin, 1998: 39 (Hiva Oa, 98-100 m; MUSORSTOM 9, st. DW1210).
Calappa gallus - Galil, 2001: 500 (Eiao, Fatu Hiva, Hiva Oa, Nuku Hiva, Ua Huka; 10-130 m). - Moorea Biocode project - Moorea, 1 female 34.6x41.2 mm (in Poupin & Juncker, 2010: 112). - AAMP, Marquesas, 2012, Leg 3, St. St. MQ25-M, Nuku Hiva, baie Hakatea, intertidal, coll. Corbari et al., sample LC291 (check male pleopode according to Galil, 1997) - Ewers-Saucedo et al., 2016, Tab. S1, Moorea, FLMNH 10893, coll. 5 November 2008, FLMNH 15711, coll. 9 October 2008, ML30, no date (Moorea Biocode Project)
Other data
Indonesie, STATION — Galil BS, Musorstom 18, 176: 271-335
Musorstom 9 Polynesie, CP1187 — Galil BS, Zoosystema 23, 3: 499-505
Musorstom 9 Polynesie, CP1188 — Galil BS, Zoosystema 23, 3: 499-505
Musorstom 9 Polynesie, DW1224 — Galil BS, Zoosystema 23, 3: 499-505
Musorstom 9 Polynesie, DW1210 — Galil BS, Zoosystema 23, 3: 499-505
Musorstom 9 Polynesie, DW1241 — Galil BS, Zoosystema 23, 3: 499-505
Musorstom 9 Polynesie, DW1160 — Galil BS, Zoosystema 23, 3: 499-505
Tonga, STATION — Galil BS, Musorstom 18, 176: 271-335
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)This species in Worms Database