Decapoda - Brachyura - Xanthidae - Chlorodiella
Chlorodiella laevissima (Dana, 1852) |
World Distribution
(Serène, 1984: 261) - Large distribution in the IWP. This includes Wallis & Futuna, French Polynesia, Hawaii.
Serène (1984 : 260) - Indo-ouest Pacifique. Comprend, Afrique oriental, Mozambique, Somalie, Madagascar, Glorieuses, Comores, Mayotte, Seychelles (Aldabra), Réunion, Maurice. Plus Wallis & Futuna, Polynésie française.
Castro (2011). Depth to at least 124 m.
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Associated with corals (facultative)
Vertical range : Shallow-waters (0-100 m) - Min-Max observed: 0-124 m
Mayotte data
Chlorodiella laevissima (Dana, 1852)
Material Examined — Mayotte KUW 2009, st. 12, Reef La Prévoyante, 6-11 m, 2 MM, 1 F 3.4 x 5.5 mm (photo live color), MNHN-IU-2009-2657, det. July 2011 J. Poupin; st. 14, La Prudente Bank, 15-17 m, 2 FF, MNHN-IU-2009-2661, det. October 2011; st. 17, North Reef, 22 m, 3 juv., det. September 2011, MNHN-IU-2009-2663; st. 19, islet Handrema, North, 6-10 m,1 F 4.2 x 7 mm, 1 M 4 x 5.8 mm, MNHN-IU-2009-2662, photo det. confirmed in July 2011 by examination of the specimens; st. 23, Choizil Pass, "Patate à Teddy", 15-30 m, 1 M 3.1 x 4.6 mm, MNHN-IU-2009-2659, det. July 2011; 2 FF ov. both 3.1 x 4.7 mm, det. October 2011, MNHN-IU-2009-2653; st. 25, islet M'tzamboro, south, 15-20 m, 1 F juv. 3.3 x 4.6 mm, MNHN-IU-2009-2658, 1 M 3 x 4.8 mm, det. September 2011, MNHN-IU-2009-2660, 2 MM 4.8 x 6.7 mm and 5.1 x 7.3 mm, det. July 2011, MNHN-IU-2009-2655; st. 30, Rani Reef, double barrier, 5-15 m, 1 F 4.9 x 7.5 mm, (with a juv. of C. nigra) MNHN-IU-2009-2654, det. October 2011; st. 35, Surprise Reef, Longoni Pass, 4-25 m, 1 M 3.6 x 5.7 mm, det. September 2011, MNHN-IU-2009-2656.
Other records — Chlorodiella laevissima - Guinot, 1964b: 71, Mayotte (in distribution). - Serène, 1984: 260, fig. 171-172, pl. XXXVI D-E, Glorieuses, intertidal, coll. A. Crosnier, September 1958, 2 MM 3.0 x 4.6, 4.3 x 7.0 mm, MNHN-B 6715; Mayotte, intertidal, coll. A. Crosnier August 1959, 1 M 4.0 x 6.4mm, MNHN-B 6716. - Coll. Anker & Michonneau, 2008, Mayotte, st. MAY08-St5, reef at S shaped Pass, UF 13611, 13627. - Poupin et al., 2013c: 11, Glorieuses [Expedition Glorieuses December 2012, st. Dive 2, st. BIO 28]. - Poupin, 2016 : 50, Juan de Nova [Expedition Juan de Nova December 2013, 1 M 4.2 x 6.5 mm, st. 10 (photo) (MNHN-IU-2013-16099) - BIOTAS 2009, Juan de Nova, outer-reef, reef-block, st. JDN16-19, lots MEPA-00749, 00762, 00797, 00806.
Remark — A good diagnostic character to recognize quickly this Chlorodiella, even on photographs, is the aspect of the anterolateral spines of the carapace: spines 1 and 4 reduced to tubercles, spine 2 short and acute, spine 3 the longest acute and hook shaped. The specimens examined include the two forms reported by Serène (1984), C. laevissima laevissima and C. laevissima robusta, accepted as synonyms in WoRMS (2018).
Geographic and depth ranges — IWP, Somalia, Mozambique to Hawaii, French Polynesia; intertidal to 124 m.
Europa data
Chlorodiella laevissima - Europa, BIOTAS collections, specimen MEPA-00269, st EURO-16, MEPA-00289, st. EURO-17, MEPA-00312, 00316, st. EURO-18, dét. J. Poupin d'après photos. - Poupin et al., 2013b: 10, Europa [BIORECIE, St. 8, 1 M 3.7 x 5.7 mm, 1 F, MNHN-IU-2012-623. Premier signalement.
Réunion data
Chlorodiella laevissima - Peyrot-Clausade, 1977 : annexe, p. 26 (Réunion). - Ribes, 1978 : 126 (Réunion). - Serène, 1984 : 260 (Réunion dans le matériel examiné, coll. Ribes, 10 m, nombreux spécimens, MNHN B6718). - Mission Poupin, avril 2008 (D'après photographies du programme BIOTAS). - Réunion - Program BIOLAVE, ARVAM, J.-P. Quod, photo, plate A. Barrère (pl. Q3). Coll. BIOLAVE, 23/02/2012, deep BIOLAVE (60-80 m), 1 juv. det. Poupin 25/01/2013. - Lasley et al., 2013: 381, tab. 1, Réunion.
Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
WALLIS & FUTUNA - Chlorodiella laevissima - Poupin & Juncker, in preparation (Futuna). - FRENCH POLYNESIA - Chlorodius laevissimus - Nobili, 1907: 393 ("Rikitea, Gatavake" = Mangareva, "Ohura" = Hao). - Chlorodiella laevissima - Rathbun, 1907: 46 (Fakarava, Makemo, Rangiroa, Tahiti; 46m). - Forest & Guinot, 1961: 95, fig. 95-96, 101a-b (Tahiti); 1962: 66 (Biogeography "Tahiti-Tuamotu"). - Peyrot-Clausade, 1977a, annex of the species: 26; 1977b: 213; 1985: 462 (Moorea); 1989: 111, 114 (Moorea, Tikehau). - Odinetz, 1983: 209 (Moorea, Tahiti). - Monteforte, 1984: 170, annex 1, tab. a (Makatea, Mataiva, Moorea, Tahiti, Takapoto); 1987: 9 (Moorea). - Serène, 1984: 260, fig. 171-172, pl. 36d-e (Syn.). - Delesalle, 1985: 289 (Mataiva). - Guinot, 1985: 450 (List). - Odinetz-Collart & Richer de Forges, 1985: 201 (Moorea and/or Tahiti). - Poupin, 1996a: 53 (Checklist). - Chlorodiella laevissimus - Boone, 1934: 138, pl. 72 (Nuku Hiva, Tahiti). - Unpublished specimens in MNHN collection, coll. BENTHAUS Expedition 2002, det. J. Poupin October 2006: Arago bank, st. DW1968, 100-120 m, 4 spp., st. DW1977, 90-95 m, 2 spp. ; Thiers Bank, st. DW1926, 50-90 m, 2 spp.; Neilson reef, st. DW1917, 50-60 m, 7 spp. - Moorea Biocode project. - AAMP, Marquesas, 2012, Leg 3, St. MQ2-B, Nuku Hiva, 20-23 m, coll. Albenga & coll., sample LC436.
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)This species in Worms Database