Decapoda - Brachyura - Xanthidae - Chlorodiella
Chlorodiella nigra (Forskål, 1775) |
World Distribution
IWP from Madagascar to Wallis & Futuna, French Polynesia.
Serène (1984 : 258) - Indo-ouest Pacifique. Comprend, Mer Rouge, Afrique orientale, Somalie, Mozambique, Tanzanie, Madagascar, Europa, Mayotte, Réunion. Plus Wallis & Futuna, Polynésie française.
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Associated with corals (facultative)
Vertical range : Shallow-waters (0-100 m) - Min-Max observed: 0-20 m
Mayotte data
Chlorodiella nigra (Forskål, 1775)
Material Examined — Mayotte KUW 2009, st. 3, Trévani fringing reef, 1-8 m, 1 M 8.6 x 12.7 mm, photo, 1 juv., MNHN B32470, MNHN-IU-2009-1232; st. 8, 1 M 10.1 x 14.7 mm, photo, MNHN B32297, MNHN-IU-2009-1115; st. 19, 1 M 7.0 x 10.3 mm (7.2 x 9.8 mm on field label), MNHN B32298, MNHN-IU-2009-1116; st. 27, islet Mbouzi, 'patate Sud-Est', 4-20 m, 1 M 9.0 x 13.2 mm (9.0 x 12.6 on field label), MNHN B32299, MNHN-IU-2009-1117, 1 M juv 3.8 x 4.9 mm, MNHN no number, det. July 2011; st. 30, Rani Reef, double barrier, 5-15 m, 1 M 4.8 x 6.8 mm (with a juv. of C. laevissima) MNHN-IU-2009-3252, det. October 2011; st. 32, islet M'tzamboro, northeast, 6-21 m, 2 MM 5.5 x 8.0 and 7.3 x 11.0 mm; 3 FF 5.0 x 7.2 to 7.3 x 10.6 mm (ov.), MNHN B32300, MNHN-IU-2009-1118.
Other records — Chlorodiella nigra - Guinot, 1958b: 180, Mayotte, 5 MM, 2 FF, 3 juv., max 18 x 12 mm, MNHN. - Guinot, 1967 : 262, liste avec Mayotte. - Coll. Anker & Michonneau, 2008, Mayotte, st. MAY08-St4, Sada, Tahiti beach, reef, UF 13620.
Geographic and depth ranges — IWP, Red Sea, Mozambique to Japan, French Polynesia; intertidal to shallow-water.
Europa data
Chlorodiella nigra - Serène, 1984 : 258, Europa, zone intertidale; coll. P. Fourmanoir, 2 MM 9,6 x 14,2 mm, 11,1 x 16,6 mm, 3 FF la plus grande 12,5 x 19,9 mm, MNHN B-6727.
Réunion data
Chlorodiella nigra - Ribes, 1978 : 126 (Réunion). - Serène, 1984 : 258 (Distribution).
New Caledonia data
Nouvelle Caledonie, STATION — Edwards AM, Nouv Arch MNHN 8: 229-267
Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
WALLIS & FUTUNA - Chlorodiella nigra - Poupin & Juncker, in preparation (Futuna). - FRENCH POLYNESIA - Chlorodius niger - Heller, 1865: 18 (Tahiti). - Stimpson, 1858a: 33; 1907: 50 (Tahiti). - Nobili, 1907: 393 ("Gatavake" = Mangareva, Hao, Marutea, "Tikahan" = Tikehau). - Chlorodiella niger - Rathbun, 1907: 46 (Bora Bora, Fakarava, Makemo, Rangiroa). - Sendler, 1923: 38 (Makatea). - Seurat, 1934: 59 ("Gatavake" = Mangareva, Hao, Marutea South, "Tikahau" = Tikehau). - Chlorodiella nigra - Forest & Guinot, 1961: 95, fig. 87-89, 97a-b (Tahiti); 1962: 66 (Biogeography "Tahiti-Tuamotu"). - Peyrot-Clausade, 1977a, annex of the species: 26; 1977b: 213 (Moorea). - Kropp & Birkeland, 1981: 630, tab. 5 (Moorea, Takapoto). - Thomassin et al., 1982: 394 (Moorea). - Monteforte, 1984: 170, annex 1, tab. a, photograph p. 136a (Mataiva, Moorea, Tahiti, Takapoto); 1987: 9 (Moorea). - Serène, 1984: 258, fig. 168, pl. 36b (Syn.). - Delesalle, 1985: 288 (Mataiva). - Guinot, 1985: 450 (List). - Odinetz-Collart & Richer de Forges, 1985: 201 (Moorea and/or Tahiti, Takapoto). - Merschardt-Salvat, 1991: 89 (Nukutipipi). - Poupin, 1996a: 54 (Checklist) - Relevant material - ? Chlorodiella ind. juv. - Peyrot-Clausade, 1977a, annex of the species: 26 (Moorea) - New material - Frebruary 1996, Coll. & det. J. Poupin (Fangataufa; coll. Frv Marara). - Unpublished sp. - Austral, Rapa Island, Haurei bay, coll. BENTHAUS Expedition (Warén), November 8, 2002, prov. det. J. Poupin November 25, 2003 (6 sp. in MNHN). - Moorea Biocode project. - Mission CRIOBE 2014 (collection, Takapoto, 1982, coll. Monteforte).
Comment(s) on data
See Castro (2011: 89) - Hawaiian material previously identified as C. nigra (Forskål, 1775) also belong to C. laevissima (Dana, 1852)
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)This species in Worms Database