Decapoda - Achelata - Scyllaridae - Parribacus
Parribacus perlatus Holthuis, 1967 |
World Distribution
Central South Pacific: French Polynesia, Rapa Island and Easter Island.
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Hard bottom (rock and rubbles)
Vertical range : Shallow-waters (0-100 m) - Min-Max observed: 2-18 m
Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
EASTER ISLAND - Parribacus perlatus Holthuis, 1967: 305 (Easter Island, type locality, Anakena, La Pérouse bay; "in sand among rock"). - Holthuis, 1972: 44, pl. 1 (same specimens). - Báez & Ruiz, 1985: 99 (Easter Island; specimens deposited in MNHN Santiago, coll. 1976-1978). - DiSalvo et al., 1988: 457 ("The most conspicuous of the crustaceans at Easter Island are ... Parribacus perlatus ..."). - Holthuis, 1991: 214 (Distribution "So far only known from Easter Island"). - FRENCH POLYNESIA - Parribacus perlatus - Unpublished spp., coll. BENTHAUS Expedition 2002, malacologist team, det. J. Poupin June 2003 (4 spp. cl 37-52 mm, Rapa, 2-18 m). - Poupin & Juncker, 2010, field guide: 179, Rapa.
Comment(s) on data
This species is endemic of South Central Pacific (Rapa and Easter Island).
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)This species in Worms Database