Decapoda - Anomura - Coenobitidae - Coenobita
Coenobita cavipes Stimpson, 1858 |
World Distribution
The species is perhaps absent from WIO, confused here with C. violascens. Shih et al. (2016, The Raffles Bull. Suppl. 34-II) indicate for C. cavipes: Ryukyu Islands, Japan; Taiwan; Philippines; Malaysia; and Indonesia. Record from South Central Pacific, based on Sendler (1923), should be confirmed.
Environnement : Land - Substrat/Association : Hard bottom (rock and rubbles)
Vertical range : Land & Freshwater - Min-Max observed: 0-5 m
Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
Coenobita cavipes - Sendler, 1923: 43 (Rimatara). - Miyake, 1991: 116, fig. 3 (cited only for the illustration). - Poupin, 1994a: 9 (Text); 1996a: 5, 12, 77 (Checklist).
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)This species in Worms Database