Decapoda - Brachyura - Inachoididae - Stenorhynchus
Stenorhynchus seticornis (Herbst, 1788) |
World Distribution
Poupin (1994, Etudes & Thèses) - Western Atlantic. North Carolina, Gulf of Mexico, Carribea Sea, Lesser Antilles (Guadeloupe, Martinique), Bermudas, to Brazil. 1-366 m. Argentina in Felder et al. (2009), 1-366 m.
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Hard bottom (rock and rubbles)
Vertical range : Shallow-waters (0-100 m) - Min-Max observed: 1-366 m
Lesser Antilles data
Distribution: VGI (St Thomas, St Croix, St John, Norman), Lesser Antilles ICA (St Martin, St Barthélemy, St Eustatius, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad), IOV (Margarita, Cubagua, Blanquilla, Tortuga, Los Roques, Bonaire, Curaçao). 1-366 m, but mostly shallow waters. WA.
Cancer seticornis Herbst, 1788 (1782-1804): 229, Guadeloupe [Guadeloupe not indicated in vol. 1 dated 1788 but in vol. 3 dated 1803].
Cancer sagittarius Fabricius, Entom. Syst. emend. et auct., vol. 2, 1793: 442 (part) Guadeloupe [Type locality; cf. Rathbun, 1925: 14) - Cancer sagittarius Fabricius, 1793 accepted as Stenorhynchus seticornis (Herbst, 1788) in WoRMS (2016).
Leptopodia sagittaria (Fabricius) - H. Milne Edwards, 1834-1840: 276/321, Habite les Antilles. - Desbonne, in Desbonne & Schramm, 1867: 1, Guadeloupe ['côtes de la Guadeloupe à des profondeurs assez considérables']. - A. Milne-Edwards, 1880a: 6, St Croix, St John, Norman (Flanagan Passage), Barbados [R/V Blake, 38-115 brasses]. - A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1923: 361, St Croix, St John, Norman, Barbados [R/V Blake, st. 127, 132, Santa Cruz, 38-115 brasses; st. 142, Flanagan Passage, 27 brasses; st. 276, Barbades, 94 brasses].
Leptopodia sagittaria var. modesta A. Milne-Edwards, 1873-1880: 172, Martinique.
Stenorhynchus sagittarius (Fabricius) - Rathbun, 1920a: 26, St Martin, Curaçao [coll. J. Boeke]. - Rathbun, 1921: 80, Barbados [Barbados-Antigua Expedition 1918]. - Rathbun, 1924: 19, Curaçao [coll. C.J. van der Horst, 1920].
Stenorhynchus seticornis - Rathbun, 1925: 18, St. Thomas, St Martin, Dominica, Curaçao. - Rathbun, 1933: 6, fig. 1, St Thomas, St Croix. - Rathbun, 1936: 380, Bonaire [coll. P. Hummelinck, 1930]. - Monod, 1939: 561, Guadeloupe [Basse-Terre, drague 15-20 m, 27/02/1936]. - Chace, 1956: 159, Los Roques. - Türkay, 1968: 254, Margarita [coll. Dr. Vogelsang, 1968]. - Rodríguez, 1980: 270, Cubagua, Tortuga. - Scelzo & Varela, 1988: 37, Blanquilla. - Goeke, 1989: 626, tab. 1, St Thomas, Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad, Curaçao. - Poupin, 1994: 44, Guadeloupe [R/V Polka, 170 m, det. J. Poupin (MNHN)]. - Hernández et al, 1999: tab. 2, Margarita [Laguna de Las Marites]. - Marcano & Bolaños, 2001: 72, Cubagua. - Lira, 2004: tab. 1, Tortuga. - Carré, 2005: 23, Martinique. - Tagliafico et al., 2005: tab. 1, Margarita (Los Frailes). - Hernández-Ávila et al., 2007: tab. 1, Cubagua. - Vaslet et al., 2013: 245, annexe 3, Guadeloupe [from Bourgeois-Lebel 1982, not seen]. - Questel, 2014: 12, St Barthélemy. - Faasse, 2016: 52, St Eustatius. - Carmona-Suárez & Poupin, 2016: 366, St Martin, Guadeloupe, Karubenthos 2012, 1 female MNHN-IU-2013-6636 st. GB17, 13 m; 1 female MNHN-IU-2013-6637 (lot JL1480), st. GB33, 50 m; 2 females MNHN-IU-2013-4059, st. GD21, 40 m; 1 female MNHN-IU-2013-4434 (lot JL753), st. GD26, 60 m; 1 male MNHN-IU-2013-6682 (lot JL929), st. GD31, 85 m; 1 female MNHN-IU-2013-6679 (lot JL979), st. GD35, 66 m; 2 females MNHN-IU-2013-4182 (lot JL1377), st. GD59, 88 m; 1 male (with Sacculina) MNHN-IU-2013-5956, st. GD69, 60 m; 1 male MNHN-IU-2013-4174 (lot JL1386), st. GM33, 6 m; 2 juv. No MNHN (lot JL492), st. GM09, 1 m; 1 female MNHN-IU-2013-6686 (lot JL1029), st. GN26, 130 m; 1 male MNHN-IU-2013-5930 (lot JL104), st. GR02, 20 m; 1 female MNHN-IU-2013-6635 (lot JL1138), st. GR37, 16 m; 1 male MNHN-IU-2013-4547 (lot JL526), st. GS10, 23 m; 1 female MNHN-IU-2013-5919, st. GS20, 19 m. - Questel, 2019: 16, St Barthélemy.
Stenorhynchus seticornis - Saint Martin, RNN Inventory 12/04/2012, UF31984, Photo dSTM_2419 - Guadeloupe, Martinique, DORIS, 3/04/2012, A. Goyeau, - Martinique, photo in situ Y. Buske; groupe BIOSPHERES, November 2015, coll. R. Ferry, Y. Buske, det. J. Poupin.
Stenorhynchus 'debilis/seticornis' - Carmona-Suárez & Poupin, 2016: 366, Guadeloupe, (identified as S. debilis based on the presence of a small spine at tip of basal antennal article; see Comment). — Guadeloupe. Karubenthos 2012, 2 males, 2 females MNHN-IU-2013-6634 (lot JL626), st. GD17, 30 m; 2 females MNHN-IU-2014-12827, st. GD21, 40 m; 1 female MNHN-IU-2013-4063 (lot JL970-1), st. GD35, 66 m; 1 female MNHN-IU-2013-6633 (lot JL650), st. GN16, 75 m; 1 female MNHN-IU-2013-4060 (lot JL817), st. GN21, 150 m; 1 female MNHN-IU-2013-4062 (lot JL12), st. GR01, 3 m; 2 males, 1 female MNHN-IU-2013-6632 (lot JL370-1), st. GR11, 13 m; 2 males MNHN-IU-2013-4061 (lot JL731), st. GR23, 20 m; 2 males, 1 female MNHN-IU-2013-6631 (lot JL466), st. GS09, 11 m; 3 spp. MNHN-IU-2013-4154 (JL891-4), st. GS20, 19 m.
Stenorhynchus seticornis — Parasram et al., 2023 (Zootaxa): 19, Barbados
French Guiana and surroundings areas: Guiana, Suriname, Brazil (Amapà)
Leptopodia sagittaria (J. C. Fabricius, 1793) – A. Milne-Edwards, 1875: 172, French Guiana [Côtes de la Guyane].
Leptopodia sagittaria (J. C. Fabricius, 1793) accepted as Stenorhynchus seticornis (Herbst, 1788) (WoRMS 2023).
Stenorhynchus seticornis – Holthuis, 1959a: 184, Suriname [27–55 m]. — Bullis & Thompson, 1965: 12, Guyana, Brazil Amapa [R/V Oregon, st. 2088, 1°10' N, 30 fathoms, 55 m; st. 2249, 7°40' N, 30 fathoms]. — Coelho, 1969, table 1: Brazil Amapá. — Coelho & Ramos, 1972: 209, Brazil Amapá. — Fausto Filho & Sampaio Neto, 1976: 70, Brazil Amapá. — Takeda, 1983: 129, Suriname, French Guiana [60–95 m]. — Barreto et al., 1993: tab. 1, Guianas, Brazil Amapá. — Melo, 1996: 190, Brazil Amapá. — Melo, 1998: 458, Brazil Amapá. — Le Loeuff & Cosel, 2000: 25, annex 1, French Guiana. — Tricart & Foubert, 2000, tab. 1, French Guiana [List]. — Braga et al., 2005: 29, Brazil Amapá [In distribution]. — Coelho et al., 2008: 19, Brazil Amapá. — Alves et al., 2012b: 942, Brazil Amapá. — Corbari et al., 2015: 165–167, unnumbered tab., French Guiana [Guyane 2014 Expedition, 21 lots in MNHN, e.g. MNHN-IU-2013-2423, st. CP4346, 27/07/2014, 80 m, at]. — Cintra et al., 2017: tab. 1-6, Brazil Amapá [bycatch of shrimp fisheries, 0-4°N, 27–47 m].
Distribution/Habitat – WA; Marine; 1–366 m.
Comment(s) on data
En mer des Caraïbes : Stenorhynchus yangi , plus petit, et dont le rostre plus court ne porte jamais de soies à son extrémité. Une espèce voisine : Stenorhynchus lanceolatus, se trouve de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique (Canaries, Madère, côtes africaines). - Guinot (2012) - The worldwide Stenorhynchus Lamarck, 1818, traditionally included in Inachidae is assigned here to Inachoididae
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)
This species in Worms Database