Decapoda - Dendrobranchiata - Penaeidae - Parapenaeus

Parapenaeus politus (Smith, 1881)

World Distribution
Western Atlantic, United States (40°N) to French Guiana, 3-752 m, mostly 100-275 m.
Felder et al. (2009) - 21-330 m. Mass–GMx, Antil, Carib–FGui

Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Soft bottom (mud or sand)

Vertical range : Shallow to deep-waters (e.g. 10-190 m) - Min-Max observed: 3-752 m

Lesser Antilles data
Distribution: Massachusetts to Gulf of Mexico, Antilles, Caribbean Sea to French Guiana. Lesser Antilles, ICA (Guadeloupe, Martinique). 21-330 m. WA.
Neopenaeopsis paradoxus Bouvier, 1905a: 747 ‘Antilles’ [R/V Blake, ‘mer des Antilles, 84-91 brasses].
Parapenaeus politus - Paulmier, 1993: 10, Martinique [R/V Polka, dredge, 25 m]. - Poupin, 1994: 18 - Guadeloupe [R/V Polka, without station number, west of Basse-Terre, 250 m, 2 spp. 18.5, 19.5 mm, MNHN, det. A. Crosnier]. - Carré, 2005: 23, Martinique.
Parapenaeus politus - Guadeloupe, Karubenthos II 2015, field det. J. Poupin, st. CP4543, 13 June 2015, 16°39.83'N, 61°33.03'W, 385-399 m, MNHN-IU-2013-18908; st. DW4588 or CP4588, 21 June 2015, 16°1.85'N, 61°24'W, 416-251 m, MNHN-IU-2013-18990; st. CP4624, 26 June 2015, 15°56.23'N, 61°30.67'W, 242-243 m, MNHN-IU-2013-19108; st. CP4648, 29 June 2015, 16°2.31'N, 61°27.3'W, 388-368 m, MNHN-IU-2013-19192.
Comment: In Karubenthos II specimens carapace and rostrum aspect as in Williams (1984: 38, fig. 19); there are 7 rostral teeth which keys out to P. longirostris=P. politus in Roberts & Pequegant (1970: 48); P. longirostris is the equivalent species in the eastern Atlantic & Mediterranean, illustrated in Perez Farfante & Kensley (1997: 122, fig. 72).

French Guiana and surroundings areas: Guiana, Suriname, Brazil (Amapà)
Parapenaeus longirostris (H. Lucas, 1849) – Takeda, 1983: 38, Suriname, French Guiana [24–475 m]. — Guéguen, 2000: 692, tab. 1, French Guiana [Continental shelf, 200–232 m]. Not P. longirostris but P. politus instead (see remark).
Parapenaeus politus – Le Loeuff & Cosel, 2000: 25, annexe 1, French Guiana. — Corbari et al., 2015: 165–167, unnumbered tab., French Guiana [R/V Hermano Gines, July–October 2014, 30–800 m].
Distribution/Habitat – WA; Marine; 3–752 m.
Remark – Parapenaeus politus (WA) and P. longirostris (EA) are two sibling species distributed on each side of the Atlantic (Pérez Farfante, 1982) record of Takeda is corrected herein, based on the place of collection.

References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)

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