Decapoda - Brachyura - Epialtidae - Holoplites

Holoplites armatus (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880)

World Distribution
Rathbun (1925: 309) - West Indies, Cuba, St Vincent, Barbados; 88-387 fathoms (161-708 m).
Felder et al. (2009) - 160-780 m (sic = ?error for 708 m, already in Powers (1977) with '161 to 798 m (88 to 387 fm)' which is 161-708 m). NW Cuba, Antil, Brazil

Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Hard bottom (rock and rubbles)

Vertical range : Deep (more than 100 m) - Min-Max observed: 161-708 m

Lesser Antilles data
Distribution: WA. northwestern Cuba, Antilles, Brazil. Lesser Antilles, ICA (Guadeloupe, St Vincent, Barbados, Grenada). 161-708 m.
Nibilia armata A. Milne-Edwards, 1880a: 4, St Vincent (Grenadines), Barbados [R/V Blake, 88-180 brasses]. - A. Milne-Edwards, 1880: 348, pl. 31A, fig. 3 'Antilles' [R/V Blake; '… assez grande profondeur dans la mer des Antilles]. - A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1923: 386, St Vincent, Grenada (Carriacou) [R/V Blake, st. 232, St Vincent, st. 241, Carriacou].
Hoploplites armata - Rathbun, 1925: 307, pl. 108, pl. 245, fig. 6-8, St Vincent, Barbados.
Hoploplites armatus - Poupin & Corbari, 2016: in press, Guadeloupe (first record), Karubenthos II 2015, field det. J. Poupin, st. CP4543, 13 June 2015, 16°39.83'N, 61°33.03'W, 385-399 m, MNHN-IU-2013-18898; st. DW4555, 15 June 2015, 16°23.53'N, 60°49.67'W, 258-100 m, MNHN-IU-2013-18933; st. DW4537, 12 June 2015, 16°38.55'N, 61°31.84'W, 570-495 m, MNHN-IU-2013-18873; st. DW4547, 14 June 2015, 16°31.76'N, 61°33.03'W, 380-358 m, MNHN-IU-2013-18959; st. DW4634, 27 June 2015, 15°47.81'N, 61°25.83'W, 310-304 m, MNHN-IU-2013-19138.
Comment: this is a first record for Guadeloupe but the species was already reported in several places in Lesser Antilles. The purple color on horns, dactyls of chelae, and ambulatory legs was noticed on all specimens examined and seems to be a good way to recognized quickly the species.

French Guiana and surroundings areas: Guiana, Suriname, Brazil (Amapà)
Holoplites armata – Bullis & Thompson, 1965: 12, Brazil Amapá [R/V Oregon, st. 2080, 2°04'N, 47°00' W, 125 fathoms, 229 m]. — Silva et al., 2002: 102, tab. 3, ?Brazil Amapá [Programa Revizee/Norte].
Distribution/Habitat – WA; Marine; 161–708 m.

References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)

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