Decapoda - Brachyura - Raninidae - Ranilia
Ranilia constricta (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880) |
World Distribution
Felder et al. (2009) - <20-365 m. NCar–GMx–Brazil, As I, E Atl
(Tavares & Mendonça 2022, Zootaxa) - Amphi-Atlantic. Western Atlantic: North Carolina, Gulf of Mexico, Antilles, Venezuela, and Brazil (Amapá to Rio Grande do Sul) (Manning & Holthuis 1981; Melo 1996; Felder et al. 2009). Ranilia constricta is also known from the Pliocene of Curaçao (Luque et al. 2017) and the late Pleistocene of Calabria, Italy (Vazzana 2008; Garassino et al. 2014). This is the first record of R. constricta from Trindade and Martin Vaz and the Vitória–Trindade Seamount Chain (Columbia Bank). Central Atlantic: Ascension Island and perhaps Saint Helena (Manning & Chace 1990; De Grave et al. 2017). Eastern Atlantic: west African coast from Cape Verde Islands to Gabon (Manning & Holthuis 1981; González 2018).
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Soft bottom (mud or sand)
Vertical range : Shallow to deep-waters (e.g. 10-190 m) - Min-Max observed: 20-365 m
Lesser Antilles data
Distribution: North Carolina to Gulf of Mexico to Brazil, Ascencion Island, eastern Atlantic. Lesser Antilles, ICA (Guadeloupe), IOV (Los Testigos, Margarita, Curaçao). 20-365 m. ATL.
Ranilia constricta - Soto, 1986: 7(83), Margarita, Los Testigos [R/V Pillsbury, st. P-710, bewteen Margarita, Los Testigos]. - Stepp, 2014: 17, Curaçao [Fossil remains]. - Luque et al., 2017: 58, Curaçao [Fossil remains].
Ranilia constricta - Guadeloupe (first record), Karubenthos II 2015, field det. J. Poupin, st. CP4624, 26 June 2015, 15°56.23'N, 61°30.67'W, 242-243 m, MNHN-IU-2013-19110.
Comment: Soto (1986: 8/83) "My own examination of the brachyuran collection obtained by the R/V Pillsbury in the Caribbean region revealed a single male specimen of this raninid crab identified by Dr. L. B. Holthuis (unpublished); this record was taken from a locality east of Isla Margarita, Venezuela, at a depth of 47 m (Pillsbury station 710, 10°47'N, 62°55'W)". - Specimen from Karubenthos 2015 is identified following Rathbun (1937) with an additional figure in Williams (1984, fig. 196).
Tavares & Mendonça 2022, Zootaxa: 20, Martinique: 1 female (MZUSP 17319), IGMAR 3 Expedition, stn 419, 14°41.73’N, 60°50.05’W, IFREMER coll. 14.ix.1994, dredge [J. Poupin don.]
French Guiana and surroundings areas: Guiana, Suriname, Brazil (Amapà)
Ranilia constricta – Melo, 1996: 113, Brazil Amapá. — Melo et al., 1998: 443, Brazil Amapá. — Le Loeuff & Cosel, 2000: 25, annex 1, French Guiana. — Coelho et al., 2008: 8, Brazil Amapá [From Melo & Campos Jr. (1994)]. — Corbari et al., 2015: 165–167, unnumbered tab., French Guiana [Guyane 2014 Expedition, 5 lots in MNHN, e.g. MNHN-IU-2013-2522, st. DW4359, 30/07/2014, 94 m, at]. — Tavares & Mendonça 2022: 20, Brazil Amapá [Distribution].
Distribution/Habitat – ATL; Marine; 20–365 m.
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)This species in Worms Database