Decapoda - Brachyura - Homolodromiidae - Homolodromia

Homolodromia monstrosa Martin, Christiansen & Trautwein, 2001

World Distribution
Lemaitre & Tavares (2014) - Eastern United States (Florida); Gulf of Mexico (Florida; Texas, off Aransas Bay; off Campeche Bank); Caribbean Sea (Dominica, St. Croix, Saba, Antigua, Barbuda); Honduras; Nicaragua; Panama; Colombia (Guajira peninsula, Cartagena); Suriname (off Paramaribo); French Guiana; Brazil (Belém; Rio Grande do Norte); depth: 375 to 918 m.

Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Soft bottom (mud or sand)

Vertical range : Deep (more than 100 m) - Min-Max observed: 375-918 m

Lesser Antilles data
Distribution: VGI (St Croix), ICA (Saba, St Eustatius, St Kitts, Nevis, Antigua, Barbuda, Guadeloupe, Dominica). 375-918 m. WA.
Homolodromia monstrosa Martin, Christiansen & Trautwein, 2001: 314, Saba 'identity questionable' [R/V Oregon II, st. 10831, 17°38'N, 63°48'W, W of Saba Island, 356 fa, (651 m)]. - Tavares & Lemaitre, 2014: 512 'tentatively assigned to H. monstrosa', St Croix, Saba, St Eustatius, St Kitts, Nevis, Antigua, Barbuda, Dominica [R/V Oregon II, 1969]
Homolodromia monstrosa - Guadeloupe (first record), Karubenthos II 2015, field det. J. Poupin, st. CP4512, 8 June 2015, 16°12.57'N, 61°53.54'W, 532-409 m, MNHN-IU-2013-18781.
Comment: This species much ressembles Homolodromia paradoxa A. Milne-Edwards, 1880 and there is still some confusion to separate both species confidently (see Lemaitre & Tavares, 2014). Based on setation, Karubenthos 2015 photographs seem to show a male. No supraorbital spine can be seen on the anterolateral margin of the carapace which indicate H. monstrosa (cf. Martin et al., 2001; Lemaitre & Tavares, 2014). The Karubenthos photographs are also comparable to a color photograph of H. monstrosa in Takeda (1983: 112 as H. paradoxa, see Martin et al., 2001: 324). Sex and the absence of the minute supraorbital spine (perhaps hidden by setae on the photographs) must be verified on the specimen.

French Guiana and surroundings areas: Guiana, Suriname, Brazil (Amapà)
Homolodromia paradoxa – Takeda, 1983: 112, Suriname, French Guiana [632–862 m]. In part (at least larger photo on the right), not H. paradoxa A. Milne Edwards, 1880, fide Martin et al. (2001: 319); see also Guinot (1995: 192): "L'H. paradoxa typique cohabite donc en Guyane française et au Suriname, entre 632-862 m, avec une autre espèce à longs dactyles (à savoir une Homolodromia typique), caractérisée par un duvet très dense de soies plumeuses".
Homolodromia monstrosa Martin, Christiansen & Trautwein, 2001: 319, Suriname, French Guiana [Holotype female, USNM 310889; RV Oregon II, sta. 10824, 07°42' N, 53°49' W (approximately 250 km NW of Paramaribo, Suriname, and 500 km ENE of Georgetown [Demerara], Guyana), western Atlantic Ocean, 345 fa (631 m), 27 Nov 1969]. — Lemaitre & Tavares, 2014: 512, Suriname, French Guiana [Type material: Suriname, French Guiana, R/V Oregon II: sta 10824, 07°42' N, 53°49' W, 631 m, 27 Nov 1969: female holotype 40.0 × 32.3 mm (USNM 310889); paratypes: same station as holotype: 2 males 32.6 × 26.7 mm, 44.3 × 33.0 mm, 1 female 37.4 × 48.0 mm (photographed) (USNM 310890); Additional Material: French Guiana: N of Cayenne, R/V Oregon II, sta 10816, 07°36' N, 53°32' W, 686 m, 24 Nov 1969: 1 male 29.0 × 22.0 mm (USNM 1202386)].
Distribution/Habitat – WA; Marine; 375–918 m.

References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)

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