Decapoda - Anomura - Porcellanidae - Petrolisthes

Petrolisthes aegyptiacus Werding & Hiller, 2007

World Distribution
Hiller & Werding (2016, ZooKeys) - Previously only known from the Red Sea and the Mascaréne Islands in the southwestern Indian Ocean, and the Society and Line Islands in the Central Pacific Ocean (for the occurrence in the Pacific, see discussion below). 1-37 m.

Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Hard bottom (rock and rubbles)

Vertical range : Shallow-waters (0-100 m) - Min-Max observed: 1-37 m

Réunion data
Petrolisthes aegyptiacus - Hiller & Werding, 2016: 25, Réunion [UF12962, 1 ovigerous female, Mascaréne Islands, La Réunion Island, Saint-Leu, Sec Jaune, rocky slope, basalt blocks, fore reef, under rocks, 10-19 m; UF13075, 1 male, La Réunion Island, Boucan Canot, Paine au Sucre, 10-15 m].

Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
FRENCH POLYNESIA - Hiller & Werding, 2016: 25, Moorea [?Biocode UF15472, 1 male, French Polynesia, Society Islands, Moorea Island, mid N coast, off Sheraton Hotel, outer reef slope, from within rubble; UF15474, 1 female (ovigerous), same data as UF15472]. - See comments, spp. from Pacific perhaps distinct from those from IO.

Comment(s) on data
Hiller & Werding (2016: 27) However, preliminary comparisons of mitochondrial DNA sequences of specimens from the Indian Ocean and the Central Pacific (Hiller, unpublished data) suggest that specimens from the Line and Society Islands probably represent an undescribed species closely related to P. aegyptiacus.

References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)

This species in Worms Database