Stomatopoda - Unipeltata - Gonodactylidae - Gonodactylellus

Gonodactylellus incipiens (Lanchester, 1903)

World Distribution
Ahyong (2001: 56) - Pacific Ocean, from Australia, Eniwetak Atoll, the Phoenix Islands and French Polynesia

Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Hard bottom (rock and rubbles)

Vertical range : Shallow-waters (0-100 m) - Min-Max observed: 0-5 m

Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
Gonodactylus incipiens - Manning, 1967: 18, fig. 7 (Fakarava). - Müller, 1994: 34 (Syn.). - Gonodactylellus incipiens - Manning, 1995: 19, 56, 57, 63, fig. 24, 25b (List & key; new combination). - Poupin, 1998: 34 (Checklist, with new material - MNHN Sto 1165-1166 collections, det. R.B. Manning, Moorea, Tahiti). - Ahyong, 2002: 369 (Checklist).

Comment(s) on data
Records of this species from New Caledonia are referable to G. rubriguttatus, cf. Ahyong (2001: 55) - Moosa (1991) reported G. incipiens from New Caledonia in which the ocular scales were fused, and where some bore armed accessory median carinae of the telson. Fused ocular scales are diagnostic of G. rubriguttatus and Moosa’s (1991) specimens may be referable to that species. Moreover, a series of New Caledonian specimens fitting Moosa’s (1991) description was recently forwarded by Alain Crosnier
(MNHN); all are referable to G. rubriguttatus.

References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)

This species in Worms Database