Decapoda - Dendrobranchiata - Penaeidae - Trachysalambria
Trachysalambria nansei Sakaji & Hayashi, 2003 |
World Distribution
(Chan et al., 2016, Zootaxa) - Known with certainty in the western Pacific from Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, south to Australia and the New Caledonia; at depths of 26–112 m.
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Soft bottom (mud or sand)
Vertical range : Shallow to deep-waters (e.g. 10-190 m) - Min-Max observed: 26-112 m
New Caledonia data
Trachysalambria nansei - Chan et al., 2016, Zootaxa: 227 - New Caledonia. LAGON: Belep Is., stn 37, 19°19.7’N, 163°20.2’E, 61–64 m, 21.06.1985, 1 male cl 10.5 mm, 3 females cl 16.0–17.5 mm (MNHN IU-2014-7008); stn 42, 19°34.0’S, 163°37.7’E, 43 m, 22.06.1985, 6 females cl 13.0–20.5 mm (MNHN IU-2014-7005). North lagoon: stn 67, 19°34.5’S, 161°14.5’E, 32 m, 05.12.1986, 1 female cl 15.0 mm (MNHN IU-2014-7009); stn DW 1070, 19°54.4’S, 163°56.2’E, 29 m, 23.10.1989, 1 male cl 11.8 mm, 1 female cl 12.8 mm (MNHN IU-2014-7007); stn DW1076, 19°52.3’S, 163°54.9’E, 31 m, 23.10.1989, 1 male cl 9.3 mm (MNHN IU-2014-7017); stn DW 1090, 19°47.7’S, 163°51.2’E, 36–37 m, 24.10.1989, 1 male cl 10.0 mm (MNHN IU-2014-7013); stn DW 1194, 19°29.5’S, 163°22.9’E, 57 m, 01.11.1989, 2 males cl 8.3 and 9.5 mm (MNHN IU-2014-7012). Ouen Is., Prony Bay: stn DW113, 22°23’S, 166°48’E, 32 m, 22.08.1984, 1 male cl 9.6 mm (MNHN IU-2014-7015); stn DW 234, 22°32’S, 166°51’E, 50–56 m, 23.10.1984, 1 female cl 12.5 mm (MNHN IU-2014-7010); stn DW 248, 22°24’S, 166°47’E, 42–47 m, 24.10.1984, 1 male cl 14.0 mm (MNHN IU-2014-7014). South lagoon, stn DW 332, 22°34’S, 166°57’E, 80 m, 28.11.1984, 1 male cl 11.2 mm (MNHN IU-2014-7011). North-West lagoon, stn DW 1024, 20°5.5’S, 163°50.3’E, 26 m, 03.05.1988, 1 female cl 10.0 mm (MNHN IU-2014-7016).
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)This species in Worms Database