Decapoda - Brachyura - Leucosiidae - aff. Cryptocnemus

aff. Cryptocnemus crosnierorum Galil & Ng, 2023

World Distribution
(Galil & Ng, 2023, TDSB) - Typical form is from Madagascar 20-22 m.

Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Associated with algae

Vertical range : Shallow-waters (0-100 m) - Min-Max observed: 2-22 m

Réunion data
aff. Cryptocnemus crosnierorum - Réunion, lagon, 2-10 m, in algae, photo Christophe Cadet. (compared with the photo of the type, J. Poupin). - Comment by B. Galil, 28/04/2023: it is not the species featured in our Madagascar article. There are quite a few "Halimeda" mimics, neither are similar to your photo".

References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)

This species in Worms Database