Decapoda - Brachyura - Pseudothelphusidae - Microthelphusa

Microthelphusa meansi Cumberlidge, 2007

World Distribution
(Cumberlidge, 2007, Zootaxa) - Only Guyana, 1135–1219 m altitude

Environnement : Freshwater - Substrat/Association : Soft bottom (mud or sand)

Vertical range : Land & Freshwater - Min-Max observed: 0-0 m

French Guiana and surroundings areas: Guiana, Suriname, Brazil (Amapà)
Microthelphusa meansi Cumberlidge, 2007: 58, Guyana [type locality, cloud forest on the Wokomung Massif, in Potaro-Siparuni Province, western Guyana, 05° 06' 36.3" N, 59° 49' 14.1" W, altitude 1135–1219 m, 18/07/2003, coll. D. Bruce Means, USNM 1098372, USNM 1098373]. — Pedraza & Tavares 2014: 268, Guyana [Type specimens].
WA; Guyana (endemic); Freshwater.

References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)

This species in Worms Database