Decapoda - Caridea - Alpheidae - Alpheopsis

Alpheopsis paratrigona Anker, 2017

World Distribution
(Anker 2017, Zootaxa) - Western Atlantic: Bermuda (Chace 1972, as A. trigonus; present study); Caribbean Sea: Panama (Portobelo, present study), Mexico (Yucatan, Chace 1972, as A. trigonus; present study), Venezuela (Los Roques Archipelago, Rodriguez 1982, as Alpheopsis sp. 1), French Antilles (Guadeloupe, Anker 2001, as A. sp. aff. trigonus), British Virgin Islands (Guana Island, photographic record, see Fig. 10); US Virgin Islands (St. John Island), Barbuda (Chace 1972, as A. trigonus), Belize (Carrie Bow Cay) (present study); possibly also Brazil: off Paraíba; shallow subtidal (1–2 m) to at least 12 m

Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Hard bottom (rock and rubbles)

Vertical range : Shallow-waters (0-100 m) - Min-Max observed: 1-12 m

Lesser Antilles data
Alpheopsis trigonus — Chace 1972: 56 (partim, material from Barbuda and Yucatan) [not A. trigona (Rathbun, 1901)]
Alpheopsis sp. 1 — Rodríguez 1986: 121, fig. 29 (Los Roques).
Alpheopsis sp. aff. trigonus — Anker 2001: 163 (Guadeloupe).

Alpheopsis paratrigona Anker, 2017 (Zootaxa): 207, St John, Guana (photo) (VGI), Barbuda, Guadeloupe (ICA) [1 male (cl 4.0 mm), USNM 135846, Antigua & Barbuda, Barbuda Island, west and south of Spanish Point, Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expedition sta. 112A-58, from coral, 28 April 1958; 1 male (cl 6.0 mm), 1 female (cl 6.2 mm), USNM 134762, US Virgin Islands, St. John Island, Lameshur Bay, canyon base, depth: 20 m, scuba diving, from empty conch shell, coll. C. Mahnken 24 March 1969; 1 male (cl 3.5 mm), 1 ovig. female (cl 4.4 mm), USNM 134763, same collection data; 2 males (cl 3.5, 5.1 mm), 1 female (cl 3.3 mm), MNHN-2014-IU-19473, French Antilles, Guadeloupe, Grand Cul de Sac, coll. F. Fasquel, 2000; 1 female (cl 4.4 mm), MNHN-IU-2013-12143, French Antilles, KARUBENTHOS 2012, sta. GD20, Baie de Baille-Argent, 16°15.54’N 61°48.71’W, 35 m, coll. MNHN team, 12.v.2012; 1 male (cl 3.5 mm), MNHN-IU-2013-12150, same collection data]. - FIGURE 10. Alpheopsis paratrigona sp. nov., male (cl not measured) from Guana Island, British Virgin Islands, in dorsal [a] and lateral [b] views (specimen possibly deposited in the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Country, LACM, not available for study). Photographs: Todd Zimmerman (a, b).

Alpheopsis trigona - Poupin, 2018: 112, fig. 95, Guadeloupe, MNHN-IU-2013-12143, MNHN-IU-2013-12150 - Not A. trigona (Rathbun), these samples are A. paratrigona sp. nov. in Anker (2017).

Alpheopsis paratrigona - Rodríguez et al., 2024: 118-119, color photos, Los Roques (from Rodríguez 1986).

References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)

This species in Worms Database