Decapoda - Brachyura - Varunidae - Ptychognathus
Ptychognathus similis de Mazancourt, Mazel, Marquet, Poupin & Keith, 2024 |
World Distribution
Futuna Island only
Environnement : Freshwater - Substrat/Association : Soft bottom (mud or sand)
Vertical range : Land & Freshwater - Min-Max observed: 0-5 m
Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
WALLIS & FUTUNA - Ptychognathus barbatus - Poupin & Juncker, 2008 (Futuna): 5, 36 - Not P. barbatus but P. similis or P. ngankeeae de Mazancourt, Mazel, Marquet, Poupin & Keith, 2024.
Ptychognathus hachijoensis.—Poupin & Juncker, 2008: 36, fig. 4c–d; 2010: 75, fig. C. - Not P. hachijoensis but P. similis sp. nov. in Mazancour et al. (2024).
Ptychognathus similis de Mazancourt, Mazel, Marquet, Poupin & Keith, 2024: 289, fig. 15A - Futuna Island - Mazancourt et al. 2024 (Zoosystema): 289, Futuna Island - Type material. Holotype: MNHN-IU-2022-4125 (DNA voucher CA2659), male, 9.3 mm × 7.6 mm, Vainifao River, Futuna, Wallis and Futuna Territory, Station 13, 14°18.461'S, 178°8.564'W, coll. J. Poupin & M. Juncker, 14 October 2007. Paratypes: MNHN-IU-2022-4126 (DNA voucher CA2658), 1 female, 7.3 mm × 6.1 mm, 5 male 6.4–7.9 mm × 5.6–6.5 mm, 2 female 7.0–7.2 mm × 5.9–6.3 mm, 2 female ovig. 6.6–7.9 mm × 5.2–7.6 mm, same locality data as for holotype; MNHN-IU-2022-4127, 4 male, 6.5–15.2 × 5.8–13.2 mm, Vai River, Station 3, 14°15.229'S, 178°9.192'W, coll. N. Charpin & V. Mazel, 6 August 2023; MNHN-IU-2022-4128, 2 male, 6.4–6.6 × 5.5–5.6 mm, 2 female ovig., 10.9–11.4 × 9.6–9.9 mm, Galoli River, Station 5 14°15.574'S, 178°8.305'W, coll. N. Charpin & V. Mazel, 6 August 2023; MNHN-IU-2022-4129, 2 male, 13.7–15.3 × 12.5–11.6 mm, 1 female, 13.7 × 11.4 mm, Leava River, Station 10, 14°17.598'S, 178°9.543'W, coll. N. Charpin & V. Mazel, 8 August 2023; MNHN-IU-2022-4130, 1 male, 9.2 × 7.3 mm, Vainifao River, Station 11, 14°17.085'S 178°8.180'W, coll. N. Charpin & V. Mazel, 9 August 2023; MNHNIU-2022-4131, 1 male, 14.5 × 12.5 mm, Leava River, Station 20, 14°17.498'S, 178°9.305'W, coll. N. Charpin & V. Mazel, 14 August 2023.
P. aff. similis cf. Mazancourt et al. (2024).
FRENCH POLYNESIA - Ptychognathus ?hachijyoensis - AAMP, Marquesas, 2012, Leg 3, Fatu Hiva, river mouth, coll. Poupin, Starmer, sample LC146.
Comment in Mazancourt et al. (2024) — Poupin & Corbari (2012) and Salvat et al. (2016) reported Ptychognathus hachijoensis Sakai, 1955 from the sample(s) and photographs (Figs. 17A–C) of J. Poupin and J. Starmer (Fatu Hiva, Baie des Vierges, estuary of Hanavave River, st. MQ16-M, 17–18 January 2012, 10.464033°S, 138.666167°E, accession number LC146). We were not able to locate these specimens in the MNHN collections and the examination of the photographs alone do not allow us to validate this species in French Polynesia that shows similarities (breadth of front 0.50 times CW and by its short P5 dactylus 0.50 times length of propodus) with P. similis sp. nov.; itis herein referred to "P. aff. similis from Marquesas” pending study of the specimens. The lack of these specimens prevents us from obtaining molecular data and thus applying our integrative taxonomic approach.
Wallis & Futuna data
WALLIS & FUTUNA - Ptychognathus barbatus - Poupin & Juncker, 2008 (Futuna): 5, 36 - Not P. barbatus but P. similis or P. ngankeeae de Mazancourt, Mazel, Marquet, Poupin & Keith, 2024.
Ptychognathus hachijoensis.—Poupin & Juncker, 2008: 36, fig. 4c–d; 2010: 75, fig. C. - Not P. hachijoensis but P. similis sp. nov. in Mazancour et al. (2024).
Ptychognathus similis de Mazancourt, Mazel, Marquet, Poupin & Keith, 2024: 289, fig. 15A - Futuna Island - Mazancourt et al. 2024 (Zoosystema): 289, Futuna Island - Type material. Holotype: MNHN-IU-2022-4125 (DNA voucher CA2659), male, 9.3 mm × 7.6 mm, Vainifao River, Futuna, Wallis and Futuna Territory, Station 13, 14°18.461'S, 178°8.564'W, coll. J. Poupin & M. Juncker, 14 October 2007. Paratypes: MNHN-IU-2022-4126 (DNA voucher CA2658), 1 female, 7.3 mm × 6.1 mm, 5 male 6.4–7.9 mm × 5.6–6.5 mm, 2 female 7.0–7.2 mm × 5.9–6.3 mm, 2 female ovig. 6.6–7.9 mm × 5.2–7.6 mm, same locality data as for holotype; MNHN-IU-2022-4127, 4 male, 6.5–15.2 × 5.8–13.2 mm, Vai River, Station 3, 14°15.229'S, 178°9.192'W, coll. N. Charpin & V. Mazel, 6 August 2023; MNHN-IU-2022-4128, 2 male, 6.4–6.6 × 5.5–5.6 mm, 2 female ovig., 10.9–11.4 × 9.6–9.9 mm, Galoli River, Station 5 14°15.574'S, 178°8.305'W, coll. N. Charpin & V. Mazel, 6 August 2023; MNHN-IU-2022-4129, 2 male, 13.7–15.3 × 12.5–11.6 mm, 1 female, 13.7 × 11.4 mm, Leava River, Station 10, 14°17.598'S, 178°9.543'W, coll. N. Charpin & V. Mazel, 8 August 2023; MNHN-IU-2022-4130, 1 male, 9.2 × 7.3 mm, Vainifao River, Station 11, 14°17.085'S 178°8.180'W, coll. N. Charpin & V. Mazel, 9 August 2023; MNHNIU-2022-4131, 1 male, 14.5 × 12.5 mm, Leava River, Station 20, 14°17.498'S, 178°9.305'W, coll. N. Charpin & V. Mazel, 14 August 2023.
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)This species in Worms Database