Decapoda - Brachyura - Varunidae - Ptychognathus

Ptychognathus ngankeeae de Mazancourt, Mazel, Marquet, Poupin & Keith, 2024

World Distribution
Futuna Island only

Environnement : Freshwater - Substrat/Association : Soft bottom (mud or sand)

Vertical range : Land & Freshwater - Min-Max observed: 0-5 m

Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
WALLIS & FUTUNA - Ptychognathus barbatus - Poupin & Juncker, 2008 (Futuna): 5, 36 - Not P. barbatus but P. similis or P. ngankeeae de Mazancourt, Mazel, Marquet, Poupin & Keith, 2024.
?Ptychognathus hachijyoensis (photo fig. 4d, male) — Poupin & Juncker, 2008 (Futuna): 5, fig. 4d (male). Perhaps P. ngankeeae de Mazancourt, Mazel, Marquet, Poupin & Keith, 2024, based on photo only (J. Poupin).
Ptychognathus ngankeeae de Mazancourt, Mazel, Marquet, Poupin & Keith, 2024 (Zoosystema): 286, Futuna Island - Type material. Holotype: MNHN-IU-2019-411, male, 6.7 mm × 5.8 mm, DNA voucher CA2653, Vainifao, Futuna, Wallis and Futuna Territory, Station 13, 14°18.461'S, 178°8.564'W, coll. J. Poupin & M. Juncker, 14 October 2007. Paratype: MNHN-IU-2019-412, 1 male, 5.5 mm × 4.7 mm, DNA voucher CA2652, Leava, Station 15, 14°17.593'S,178°9.531'W, coll. J. Poupin & M. Juncker, 15 October 2007.

Wallis & Futuna data
WALLIS & FUTUNA - Ptychognathus barbatus - Poupin & Juncker, 2008 (Futuna): 5, 36 - Not P. barbatus but P. similis or P. ngankeeae de Mazancourt, Mazel, Marquet, Poupin & Keith, 2024.
?Ptychognathus hachijyoensis (photo fig. 4d, male) — Poupin & Juncker, 2008 (Futuna): 5, fig. 4d (male). Perhaps P. ngankeeae de Mazancourt, Mazel, Marquet, Poupin & Keith, 2024, based on photo only (J. Poupin).
Ptychognathus ngankeeae de Mazancourt, Mazel, Marquet, Poupin & Keith, 2024 (Zoosystema): 286, Futuna Island - Type material. Holotype: MNHN-IU-2019-411, male, 6.7 mm × 5.8 mm, DNA voucher CA2653, Vainifao, Futuna, Wallis and Futuna Territory, Station 13, 14°18.461'S, 178°8.564'W, coll. J. Poupin & M. Juncker, 14 October 2007. Paratype: MNHN-IU-2019-412, 1 male, 5.5 mm × 4.7 mm, DNA voucher CA2652, Leava, Station 15, 14°17.593'S,178°9.531'W, coll. J. Poupin & M. Juncker, 15 October 2007.

References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)

This species in Worms Database