Decapoda - Caridea - Pandalidae - Plesionika
Plesionika ensis (A. Milne-Edwards, 1881) |
World Distribution
Chace (1985); Eldredge & DeFelice (Internet); Poupin (unpublished sp., MUSORSTOM 9, det. Crosnier); Burukovsky (1990) - Eastern and Western Atlantic; ? Indian Ocean, ? Hawaii, ? French Polynesia; Seamounts Sala y Gòmez and south-western part of Nazca ridge, 24°58'-25°33' S - 86°34'-97°26' W - Deep (230-732 m). Poupin (1994: 24, Etudes & Thèses)
Felder et al. (2009) - 260-850 m. E Fla–E GMx–Brazil, E Atl, Indo-Pac
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Hard bottom (rock and rubbles)
Vertical range : Deep (more than 100 m) - Min-Max observed: 260-850 m
New Caledonia data
Musorstom 5 Nouvelle Caledonie, CC366.
Musorstom 5 Nouvelle Caledonie, CC383.
Musorstom 5 Nouvelle Caledonie, CP387.
Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
EASTER ISLAND - Plesionika (Plesionika) ensis - Burukovsky, 1990: 204 (Seamounts Sala y Gòmez and south-western part of Nazca ridge, 24°58'-25°33' S - 86°34'-97°26' W; 300-800 m). - Parin et al., 1997: 162, tab. 3 (List of Decapoda for the Nazca and Sala y Gòmez submarine ridges). - Remark - This is a sibling species of P. reflexa Chace, 1985 present in French Polynesia. Morphological differences between these two species need to be clarified (see Chan & Crosnier, 1997: 194). Comparison of specimens from Sala y Gòmez and French Polynesian Islands would be interesting. - FRENCH POLYNESIA - Plesionika ensis - Unpublished specimen, MNHN, det. A. Crosnier, MUSORSTOM 9, st. CP1169, Nuku Hiva, 391-408). - Confusion has been often observed between this species and sibling P. reflexa. Presence of P. ensis in Polynesia should thus be confirmed by study of more specimens.
Lesser Antilles data
Distribution: eastern Florida to eastern Gulf of Mexico and Brazil, eastern Atlantic, Indo-Pacific. Lesser Antilles, ICA (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Barbados, Grenada). 260-850 m. Pantropical.
Acanthephyra ensis A. Milne-Edwards, 1881: 14, Barbados [R/V Blake, 237 brasses].
Pandalus ensis - A. Milne-Edwards, 1883, pl. 18, Barbados [R/V Blake, 237 brasses, which is st. 283 (Barbados) in Forest & Holthuis, 1997, tab. 1]. - Faxon, 1896: 161, Martinique, Grenada [R/V Blake, st. 208, 258].
Plesionika ensis - Paulmier, 1993: 18, Guadeloupe, Martinique [Trap 400-600 m]. - Paulmier & Gervain, 1994: 10, tab. 2, Martinique [R/V Polka, deep trap]. - Poupin, 1994: 24, Guadeloupe [R/V Polka, 460-500 m, det. A. Crosnier (MNHN)]. - Gervain et al., 2002: 30, Guadeloupe [R/V Polka, trap 500-520 m].
Plesionika ensis - Guadeloupe, Karubenthos II 2015, field det. J. Poupin, st. DW4609, 24 June 2013, 16°15.29'N, 60°48.42'W, 535-673 m, MNHN-IU-2013-19054.
Comment: the distodorsal spine on 3rd abdominal tergite that is characteristic of P. ensis is not very distinct on Karubenthos photo and must be checked with specimen. Other characters such as armament of rostrum, periopods not reaching tip of rostrum and 6th abdominal somite long are those of P. ensis (see also remarks under Plesionika martia).
French Guiana and surroundings areas: Guiana, Suriname, Brazil (Amapà)
Plesionika ensis – Ramos-Porto et al., 2003: 95, Brazil Amapá [R/V Almirante Paulo Moreira, 04°09’N, 049°22’W, 31/03/1998, 422 m]. — Coelho et al., 2006: tab. 3, Brazil Amapá. — Silva et al., 2020: tab. 1, Brazil Amapá.
Distribution/Habitat – Worldwide; Marine; 260–850 m.
Other data
Fidji, STATION — King MG, Crustaceana 47, TTTT: 180-185
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)
This species in Worms Database