Decapoda - Caridea - Pandalidae - Plesionika

Plesionika martia (A. Milne-Edwards, 1883)

World Distribution
Felder et al. (2009) - 165-2100 m. Mass–GMx–Brazil, C–E Atl, Ind, Pac
Chan & Crosnier (1997); Chace (1985; sub species P. martia orientalis); Burukovsky (1990) - Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean, Indonesia, Philippines, French Polynesia; Seamounts Sala y Gòmez and south-western part of Nazca ridge, 24°58'-25°07' S - 88°31'-99°35' W; 247-800 m
Poupin (BD Internet) - Mondial. Atlantique oriental. Méditerranée. Indo-ouest Pacifique ; comprend : Afrique orientale, Réunion, Indonésie, Philippines, Japon, Hawaii, Polynésie française, haut fond de Sala y Gòmez et ride Nazca ridg. 247-800 m.

Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Hard bottom (rock and rubbles)

Vertical range : Deep (more than 100 m) - Min-Max observed: 165-2100 m

Réunion data
Plesionika martia - Crosnier, 1976 : 235 (Réunion, coll. P. Guézé, Le Port, casier profondeur inconnue, MNHN).

Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
EASTER ISLAND - Plesionika (Plesionika) martia - Burukovsky, 1990: 205 (Seamounts Sala y Gòmez and south-western part of Nazca ridge, 24°58'-25°07' S - 88°31'-99°35' W; 300-800 m). - Parin et al., 1997: 162, tab. 3 (List of Decapoda for the Nazca and Sala y Gòmez submarine ridges). - FRENCH POLYNESIA - Plesionika martia - Chan & Crosnier, 1997: 213 (Ua Pou, Nuku Hiva; 590-650m; coll. Frv Marara, fr). - Poupin, 1998: 28 (Checklist). - Photographs from MUSORSTOM 9 campaign, stn CP 1271, Ua Pou, 600 m, stn 1270, Eiao, 497-508 m.
Plesionika martia - TARASOC 2009, st. CP3381, 830-988 m, Kaukura - Paris MNHN-IU-2011-4063
Plesionika martia - TARASOC 2009, st. DW3383, 192-205 m, Kaukura - Paris MNHN-IU-2011-4003

Lesser Antilles data
Distribution: Massachusetts to Gulf of Mexico and Brazil, central and eastern Atlantic, Indo-Pacific. Lesser Antilles, ICA (Guadeloupe). 165-2100 m. Pantropical.
Plesionika martia - Guadeloupe (first record for Lesser Antilles), Karubenthos II 2015, field det. J. Poupin, st. CP4643, 28 June 2015, 15°44.98'N, 61°11.07'W, 609-611 m, MNHN-IU-2013-19161, 19164 [tip of rostrum broken].
Comment: this is a first record for Lesser Antilles although the species has a pantropical distribution. Determination of Guadeloupe specimens is based on aspect of rostrum (cf. Crosnier & Forest, 1973, fig. 63c-d). The rostrum of Plesionika ensis is quite similar but there is a distodorsal spine on 3rd abdominal tergite on this species, absent on specimen examined. Its 6th abdominal somite is about twice as long as the 5th, as in P. martia, while it is more than twice in P. ensis. Pereiopods of P. martia are also longer than in P. ensis, overeaching tip of rostrum, instead of shorter, not reaching tip of rostrum in P. ensis pereiopods.

French Guiana and surroundings areas: Guiana, Suriname, Brazil (Amapà)
Plesionika martia – Ramos-Porto et al., 2003: 96, Brazil Amapá [R/V Almirante Paulo Moreira, 03°09’N, 048°02’W, 19/11/1996, 453 m; 04°09’N, 049°22’W, 31/03/1998, 422 m]. — Coelho et al., 2006: tab. 3, Brazil Amapá. — Silva et al., 2020: tab. 1, Brazil Amapá.
Distribution/Habitat – Worldwide; Marine; 165–2100 m.

Other data
Fidji, STATION — King MG, Crustaceana 47, TTTT: 180-185
Polynesie, CAS57 — Chan TY & Crosnier A, Musorstom 18, 176: 187-234
Polynesie, CAS284 — Chan TY & Crosnier A, Musorstom 18, 176: 187-234

References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)

This species in Worms Database