Decapoda - Brachyura - Portunidae - Thalamita
Thalamita danae Stimpson, 1858 |
World Distribution
McLay (2009: 46, Zootaxa) - Red Sea, Japan, Indo-Malayan region to Australia, New Caledonia, Marshall Is, Fiji, Samoa, French Polynesia, and now further south to Raoul I., Kermadec Is. Depth range 5–100 m.I Also Wallis & Futuna.
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Soft bottom (mud or sand)
Vertical range : Shallow-waters (0-100 m) - Min-Max observed: 1-100 m
New Caledonia data
Thalamita stimpsoni - Nouvelle Caledonie — Edwards AM, Nouv Arch MNHN 8: 229-267 (synonyme de T. danae). - Thalamita danae - Nouvelle Caledonie — Ng P.K.L & Richer de Forges B., Compendium of marine species from New Caledonia, Vol II7: 315-332 - Thalamita danae - Spiridonov, 2017: 1223, New Caledonia, 1 female (ZMB 5060, identified as Thalamita picta)
Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
WALLIS & FUTUNA - Thalamita danae - Poupin & Juncker, in preparation (Futuna, Wallis). - FRENCH POLYNESIA - Thalamita danae - Poupin, 1996a: 5, 34, 76 (Checklist, with first record in French Polynesia, coll. Plessi, det. A. Crosnier, MNHN).
Comment(s) on data
New genus Thranita from Evans (2018, PeerJ).
Thranita not accepted in WoRMS (2023), junior subjective synonym of Thalamita (cf. Poore & Ahyong, 2023 - Marine decapod Crustacea: a guide to the families and genera of the world.)
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)This species in Worms Database