Decapoda - Brachyura - Portunidae - Thalamita
Thalamita spinimana Dana, 1852 |
Environnement : Marine - Min-Max observed: 0-6 m
New Caledonia data
Nouvelle Caledonie, STATION — Edwards AM, Nouv Arch MNHN 8: 229-267
Comment(s) on data
New genus Thranita from Evans (2018, PeerJ)
Thranita not accepted in WoRMS (2023), junior subjective synonym of Thalamita (cf. Poore & Ahyong, 2023 - Marine decapod Crustacea: a guide to the families and genera of the world.)
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)This species in Worms Database