Decapoda - Brachyura - Portunidae - Thalamita
Thalamita stephensoni Crosnier, 1962 |
World Distribution
Vannini & Innocenti (2000 : 286) - Indo-ouest Pacifique. Afrique orientale, Somalie, Kenya, Madagascar, Mayotte, premier signalement, Malaisie, Chine, Philippines, Salomon (New Georgia), Mariannes, Mélanésie, Samoa, Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée, Hawaii.
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Soft bottom (mud or sand)
Vertical range : Shallow-waters (0-100 m) - Min-Max observed: 0-1 m
Mayotte data
Thalamita stephensoni Crosnier, 1962
Material examined — Mayotte KUW 2009, st. 2, Littoral, Trevani beach to Kangani Mangrove, intertidal, 1 F ov. 7.9 x 12.5 mm, MNHN B32509, MNHN-IU-2009-1269; st. 29, Mboianatsa beach Ngouja hotel, intertidal, 2 MM 8.0 x 12.4 and 9.8 x 15.8 mm, MNHN B32507, MNHN-IU-2009-1267; st. 31, Brandélé, "Musicale Plage", intertidal, 8 MM 5.2 x 8.0 to 9.7 x 15.5 mm, 6 F ov. 5.8 x 9.3 to 7.6 x 12.0 mm, 2 juv., MNHN B32508, MNHN-IU-2009-1268.
Remarks — A species of small size characterized by spoon shaped fingers of chelae, a unique feature for Thalamita species. The anterolateral margin of carapace has 5 teeth, 4th being much reduced, sometimes hardly visible. The male pleopod is cross shaped at tip.
Geographic and depth ranges — Somalia, Kenya, Mayotte (this work), Madagascar to Hawaii, Samoa; intertidal
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)This species in Worms Database