Decapoda - Brachyura - Xanthidae - Xanthias
Xanthias lamarckii (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) |
World Distribution
(Davie, 2002: 555) - IWP, South Africa, Australia, to Japan Hawaii and French Polynesia. Includes Wallis & Futuna. Serène (1984 : 196) - 'Espèce la plus commune du genre dont la distribution s'étend de' Eastern Africa (South Africa), Mauritius, Réunion, Madagascar, Europa, Comoros (Anjouan, Mayotte) to Australia, Japan, Hawaii, Wallis & Futuna, French Polynesia
Environnement : Marine - Substrat/Association : Hard bottom (rock and rubbles)
Vertical range : Shallow-waters (0-100 m) - Min-Max observed: 0-6 m
Mayotte data
Xanthias lamarckii (H. Milne Edwards, 1834)
Material examined — Mayotte KUW 2009, st. 26c, Mutsumbatsou reef flat, coll. Bouchard 03/08/2008, 1 F juv. 7.6 x 11.9 mm, MNHN-IU-2009-2627.
Other records — Xanthias lamarckii - Serène, 1984: 195, fig. 112, pl. XXVII B, Europa, Madagascar ; Comoros (Anjouan) intertidal, 1 F 9.1 x 14.4 mm, MNHN-B6650. - Coll. Anker & Michonneau, 2008, Mayotte, st. MAY08-St2, Tanaraki, UF 13592. - Poupin, 2016: Juan de Nova, Expedition Juan de Nova December 2013, st2 (nr), reef-block.
Remarks — This species is represented only by a juvenile in Mayotte KUW collection but Serène (1984) considers that this "l'espèce la plus commune du genre". The specimen from Mayotte is completely decolorated because of preservation and it is replaced herein on Figure XX by a specimen collected at Europa Island, Mozambique channel, in 2011 (cf. Poupin et al., 2013b) with better remain of coloration.
Geographic and depth ranges — IWP, Tanzania, Mayotte (this work), Mozambique, South Africa to Hawaii, French Polynesia; intertidal, subtidal.
Europa data
Xanthias lamarckii - Dérijard, 1966 : 167 (Europa). - Serène, 1984 : 195, fig. 112, pl. XXVII B (Europa, zone intertidale, coll. P. Fourmanoir, 1 femelle 14,6x22,6 mm, MNHN B-6652). - Mission BIORECIE, st. 8, 9 novembre 2011, 1 male 12.7x19.4 mm, 1 female juvenile, MNHN-IU-2012-646.
Réunion data
Xantho lamarckii - A. Milne-Edwards, 1862, annexe F : 4 (Réunion, coll. Maillard). - Xanthias lamarckii - Peyrot-Clausade, 1977 : annexe, p. 27 (Réunion) - Ribes, 1978 : 127 (Réunion). - Serène, 1984 : 195 (Distribution). - Mission Poupin, avril 2008 (MNHN, St. 5, Le Sentier Marin, L'Ermitage les Bains, 1 spécimen 9x13 mm ; photographies J. Poupin, programme BIOTAS)..
New Caledonia data
Nouvelle Caledonie, STATION — Edwards AM, Nouv Arch MNHN 8: 229-267
Central Pacific data (Wallis & Futuna, Polynesia, Clipperton, Easter Island)
WALLIS & FUTUNA - Xanthias lamarcki - Poupin & Juncker, in preparation (Futuna, Wallis). - FRENCH POLYNESIA - Xanthodes granoso-manus Dana, 1852a: 75; 1852b: 175; 1855, pl. 8, fig. 10a-c (Society, Tuamotu). - Xanthias lamarckii - Nobili, 1907: 393 (Hikueru, "Timoe" = Temoe). - Rathbun, 1907: 44 (Bora Bora, Fakarava, Makemo, Tahiti). - Sendler, 1923: 37 (Makatea). - Boone, 1934: 131, pl. 70 (Raiatea, Tahiti). - Holthuis, 1953: 26 (Raroia). - Morrison, 1954: 13 (Raroia). - Forest & Guinot, 1961: 70, fig. 63, 66a-b (Hikueru, Marutea, Tahiti, "Taraourou-roa" = Tarauru-Roa); 1962: 64 (Biogeography "Tahiti-Tuamotu"). - Peyrot-Clausade, 1977a, annex of the species: 27; 1977b: 212 (Moorea); 1989: 113 (Tikehau). - Monteforte, 1984: 171, annex 1, tab. a (Mataiva, Moorea, Tahiti, Takapoto); 1987: 9 (Moorea). - Serène, 1984: 195, fig. 112, pl. 27b (Syn.). - Delesalle, 1985: 305 (Mataiva). - Guinot, 1985: 451 (List). - Poupin, 1996a: 50 (Checklist) - New material - Coll. Frv Marara, det. J. Poupin (Moruroa). - Unpublished sp., coll. & det. G. Paulay, Tikehau, June 10, 2001 (FLMNH-UF 1652?). - Unpublished sp. - Austral, Raevavae Island, coll. BENTHAUS Expedition (Richer), November 16, 2002, det. J. Poupin November 25, 2003 (1 sp. in MNHN); Moorea fieldwork December 2006, coll. Poupin (Papetoai lagoon, 0.1 m, fringing reef, coral rubbles), det. Poupin, specimens (MNHN) and color photograph. - Moorea Biocode project. - Salvat & Bacchet, 2011: 254, photo, field guide 'Au Vent des Iles Ed. Tahiti - French Polynesia, most often Society (Moorea, Tahiti). - Mission CRIOBE 2014 (Moorea, collection, Moorea, 1982, coll. & det. Monteforte) -
References : PDF list, 214 pp (1.4 Mo)
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